stressful things aside, toribush now has voice chat. What do you guys think
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
People shouting inane things while their characters are flailing around randomly

Drunk simulator 2016
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
People shouting inane things while their characters are flailing around randomly

Drunk simulator 2016

Well we can still mute them though. Can we actually?

Anyway, gathering round and trying to chat like a real human beans seems like a good idea to me
It's in beta version though :c
But it works, surprisingly well i must say.
Last edited by RockDammit; Jan 19, 2016 at 10:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Hush View Post
I honestly don't understand why people hate exams and tests

test day was my favorite because you'd spend all day doing shit that you SHOULD HAVE LEARNED in class, then leave early

And I didn't study or do any homework (I shit you not, I didn't do any homework) and I still had no issues taking tests. Just pay attention in class, yo

same lol

but exams are different. they're everything you've taken from the start of the year which gets really hard to remember for a person who spends all day playing video games yet still manages to get all As xd
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
toribush now has voice chat.

and with that, I bid you all farewell.
You can find me on steam and skype if you need me
Good luck, man.
Have fun.

Hearthstone is bullshit. I hate it.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
good luck course!

edit: how was it?
Last edited by J0Y; Jan 23, 2016 at 05:21 PM.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.