Saturday night is good.

We can make a little knockout eve to us with a symbolic prize to the winner.

Just make sure you all will be there. Saturday, 21:00 GMT 0, ayght?

Depending on how many people will be in there, we would make more of them every saturday.
Last edited by iver; Feb 7, 2015 at 03:17 AM.
ye ye, I forgot to add your name there.

Edited. :v

You can still talk to us here and stuff. I just can't assure you that we're going to give you the pass to our rooms in-game. :v
Last edited by iver; Feb 7, 2015 at 04:38 AM.
Mmmm aight noproblem. I might be more active ingame this weekend, just in case you guys wanna test me I will be around.
Originally Posted by Possesed View Post
Hallo guys im ban so how have yer been?

Pretty good, how about you man? Why did you actually requested a ban?

i am a bird now - Lil B

Originally Posted by Jodus View Post
Did you guys died? :L
I'm making new moves and improving on aikido. Someone to practice?

Sure man. I'm ingame ill go look for you.

i am a bird now - Lil B