Originally Posted by Yoki View Post



Nolanrules - Nov 30, 2013

Where is everyone :c

That dude was a loser anyways.
Last edited by Nolanrules; Apr 26, 2014 at 05:01 AM.
Fashod choose who you think would do best.
Activity and leadership.
Also im pretty sure alot of people check the forums everyday and don't post.
We have to move out of that to keep this clan alive.
We need some fresh faegs to keep activity. To keep Enigma.
Well I'm interested in where this is going because Enigma needs more fresh meat and liveliness.
Facade, any progress on transferring leadership? Whoever it is, I'd like the clan to be alive and vibrant here shortly.
sorry, I've had a lot going on lately and I'm afraid I don't have a computer which means I can't change anyone's rank or anything, Inka can do it though since he has the ability to manage clan ranks.

I will also see about getting the local mods changed and what not, Jokerstein, if you're still around and would like to remain a local mod please tell me.
what am i doing here