Well, for me it's going to be ridiculously boring, lol.

Merry Christmas.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Sooo, as I expected, my mood's kinda awful, but if it wasn't for christmas, I'd be really really mad, thanks to the "special times" I'm just a bit down at times.
Also the food was weird. I didn't really eat that much, because there weren't many meals of the variety that I like (polish tradition enforces mostly fish and dumplings, and I seriously hate fish, and am not really into dumplings). SO, I DIDN'T EAT MUCH, BUT STILL I AM EXPLODING DUE TO OVEREATING. That's retarded. Must be all the sweets' fault. Brother's wife brought delicious homemade cookies and shit.

For a present, I didn't really want anything at all, seemingly my entire family got bored of the present-giving-tradition. But nevertheless I ordered myself two t-shirts a few days before xmas and considered that "a gift" from my parents. Then for the actual eve I got bunch of chocolate bars and tons of money (of which I took only about 15%, gave the rest back to mom because well, I don't need money in large amounts for myself and if I need some cash, I can simply ask parents and I'd get it.). Other presents given out that day included alcohol, more sweets, a book and perfumes.

Other christmas news: the christmas tree was smallest ever, it was small enough to fit on a shelf, it was around ~1m tall. However, it was decorated as usual, with balls, lights n shit. Also made of chocolate decorations hanging on it, anybody who feels like eating some sweets can take it off. More news: the wine we had this eve was disguisting, really.

That's all I think, lol. I'm totally bored right now, doing random shit over the internet, reading a book and anxiously waiting for the new year's eve, although I will have to wait a few days to even confirm if there's anything to wait for (my plans might go straight to hell).

Herp derp, your turn to describe.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Well, I feel like I have hangover for eating too much D:
Anyway, Christmas's lost it spirit for me long time ago so meh, it was pretty normal.
Meal, presents, some alco, movies, sleep.
Got some cash, chocolate, alcohol, socks, a book and shower gel + other craps package.
Today my family from other town came to visit us so we had big breakfast (mostly containing leftovers from christmas eve) then we went to church and then we had a dinner. There was a duck stuffed with apples and cranberries and a rabbit with vegetables. I had some fun drinking alcohol with my cousins and after that we had to clean whole fucking mess after dinner for like 10 ppl.

From parents I got new cpu, some sweets, clothes and perfumes. Grandmother gave me some money as did the rest of family. Too bad I had to give it back to my brother and I still owe him money :|

Talking about xmas tree as we always had a big and often living tree this christmas we had to decorate the small one which is around 70cm because there is simply no place on floor and moving everything around just to have normal tree is kinda meh.
Originally Posted by shadowelf View Post
. Grandmother gave me some money as did the rest of family. Too bad I had to give it back to my brother and I still owe him money :|


Merry christmas, mine was alright.