Soldier of fortune II Gold edition.
Ok,so let's go through what'd on the back.
"The enemy is smart...Very smart.Eliminate them in dangerous single and multiplayer modes-All reacts to a variety of strategy,stealth and other combat tactics."
^ Bullshit.
The enemies are stupid,they tried to make them hide and look out from behind the wall but they usually do that when you are shooting like a mad idiot at the wall,how's that smart?
Also it's not realistic and there is no tactics..

"Go wherever it takes to neutralise terrorist scum.
RMG(tm) terrain technology allows for a full range of movement across hostile environments."
I don't know what RMG is..But you can only walk where you are meant to.
There's only one path which you casn go,or another path only sometimes and one leads to a deadend or a stupid car or something that you can't get past.

"Employ over 25 realistic military-grade weapons and tactical equipment,including OICW,the ultra-secret combat threat of the future."
Not realistic.Not tactical..I don't get the last part,is it actually meant ot be in the future??

"An enchanced Quake III Arena(tm) engine creates fast action and incredible detail: GHOUL II Technlogy provides ultra-realistic damage modeling."
I think they are talking about a different game here.
This nothing close to realistic.Nothing as good as Quake.
They can't make it even more made up..

Voted Game of the month by PC gamer,June 2002.
Lol,let's see the front again
PC zone "One of the best first-person shooters we've played."
Yeah,but I bet there is a million better ones..

So yeah,if you want a laugh,read the back and then play the actual game.
What goes up has got to fall...
Umm... Maybe all of the movie adaptation games. Except for Wolverine, the game is awesome. I'm waiting for Ironman 2 game, the first one sucks but I finished it though.
adotEngine : TOMATOES!
Jonggi : POTATOES! Copycat!
Devil may cry 2 and final fantasy 10

I did devil may cry 3 and then a friend borrowed me the 1 and 2
The first is epic, Devil ay cry 1 is mabe one of my favourite all time games but the 2.. what were they thinking not many weapons, stupid history, worst enviroment, worst bosses, etc etc
Dont play it

FF10, another of the WHAT WERE THEY THINKING game. the only good aspect is seymour, he is badass. But... the last boss is soo over powered and what is with the repetitive monsters and the lack of last bosses and the tiny areas and the STUPID DARK AEONS that make the game pointless and even shorter!
Just dont play it unless your a fan of FF
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.