That's what I though suck

Also about applying for officialness, I suppose we should keep this state a bit more, at least 2 more weeks, win a bunch of wars just to make our name being heard.
Haha, we'll get more of those applications.

Lots of studies...bleeerhg
Also downloaded Dragon Nest EU, love the game. Played SEA to lvl 40 or something...
and you're all in big trouble:
<Iso> hi
<Iso> Weve moved all the furniture out already
<Iso> bye
<Erth> uasdfqvtfuasvdfuya
<Erth> even my jukebox?
<Iso> yes.

About applying for officialness, not yet, we're not ready.
Not just because of the time restraint but we could do with winning a few more wars, hosting a few more things, getting tribe known a bit more
Tinerr pretty much said it

Also sure for Handy, we've played a lot. Come hang in the irc though
no to everyone else

Note for further applicants: if you're in a clan when you apply you will be instantly rejected

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Originally Posted by Erth View Post
Note for further applicants: if you're in a clan when you apply, you're already rejected.

Fixed that for you ^^

I think Tribe has very high chances of making official, no question about it. But if we wait, we'll get more reputation and then everyone would want a piece of us.
We've got some real big-shots in here ;o

How's it hanging, peeps?
Hey guys there is a thing ive been wondering over the last couple days and that is, what is expected from tribe players and the fair play rules?
What I mean is when a Tribal member is in game are they expected to play like a gent always or is it situational based.
My thoughts are that it really depends on the situation, I know in Aikido that the way i play can be considered as un-fair as I mainly attempt to lift and push out side the ring. Obviously when I play i'm not doing this to offend anyone or lower reps etc.. All im doing is trying to win and that is the play style that works best for me. If it was a bets lobby where i've paid up to 1.5k to play Im going to be doing what ever it takes to win since its expensive to play and big profits can be made from wins, Same with duels... and for me at least this is how i would play in a clan war. Although.. If i am in a private lobby and the OP told me not to do this then i would obey what they said. Aikido is just one example and I would never run in Wushu as i see these to things slightly differently.

So really I am wondering am i wrong in doing moves such as lifts in aikido(s) (If I am playing a way which is forbidden in Tribe then im happy to change my play style) Or do we play based on the situation and when in private lobbys always play like a gent to keep a high reputation for the clan.
personally i consider lifts being wrong at all times.
everyone choose their own playstyle, mine is playing fair
a fair win weights more than any other win.
i personally hate lifts as well. and i hate who use this, since my play style is fair, i expect a fair play from my opponent too, even more if it's in a duel. if someone can beat me, fairly, he will probably have my respect.