Only when they know that they can't win the beauty contest portion of the debates.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
lol guys, while you're here talking about the heat in your region, I was freezing xD
Last edited by Noir; Mar 6, 2015 at 10:09 AM.
Is it true that you make all your descisions based on who gives you the most bribery money?
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by Noir View Post
lol guys, while you're here talking about the heat in your region, I was freezing xD

Where are you from man? I prefer colder weather to warmer weather - sweating is worse than shivering.

Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Is it true that you make all your descisions based on who gives you the most bribery money?

I'm getting some deja vu here.
Started thinking about that, and I'm pretty sure it's 2deep4me. Pretty sure it's so deep that I can write a song about it. "Sweating is worse than shivering". 'Shivering' could be loneliness (cold and alone), and sweating could all the drama/fighting in a relationship. You know, sorta like 'Fuck it, you're not worth the effort, I'm better off alone' - an angry breakup song. This is some pretty top shit, guys.
My soundcloud is shit. All old songs from when I was learning to play. The new 'My Heart Is A Stone' song you also inspired is one of my top 3. I'll present it to my bandmates soon and get them to work on their parts for it. It'll blow minds, break radios and make me millions.
rofllolmao, I want my fair share! jk, they're not shit imo, bad? Maybe, but not shit, 'My Heart Is A Stone' has something that others don't have, don't ask me what is it because I don't know.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you guys about my exciting day at volunteering. A possum somehow got into the original stone cottage underneath the house during the night. It pissed and shat everywhere. So, I spent a good 20min with my phone's flashlight and I found it in a small nook/cranny in the top corner of the dungeon-looking kitchen. Called the possum-catcher man and he came out an hour later and pulled it out (hissing and scratching) from its little cavern. After that bit of excitement I went back and sat in the guest shop for the next 5 hours - not fun.

Me and my guest shop - 3hrs into sitting there, getting bored

Would've got a pic of the possum, but it was dark and I didn't want to scare it off with the flash.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 6, 2015 at 04:10 PM.