Haven't been on today yet. they really fucked up jungling that bad? Can I jungle soraka yet? lmfao. Usernames Llahall if you homies want to add me. my ELO isn't high in this season yet but I haven't had time thats all.
meap rocks
I just tried out Morgana since someone took my Fizz, a Miss Fortune and Morgana really pwn together, I'll hold em in place and protect Miss, then miss just bombards them with bullets if they run which they are normally dead by, Miss is fast enough to catch them
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I just tried out Morgana since someone took my Fizz, a Miss Fortune and Morgana really pwn together, I'll hold em in place and protect Miss, then miss just bombards them with bullets if they run which they are normally dead by, Miss is fast enough to catch them

meap rocks
Aim botter.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
voli's ok, not a big fan about tanky relying abilities. The only exception is olaf, im not sure how to build him. If you want to be a doll it'd make me happy to see what someone else builds for him.
sadosacoshaco ninja'd

Volibear's W is only good early to mid game. The scaling behind it is too low for it to be extremely useful late game, but it's a nice bit of burst damage. His real damage comes from OHGODDATLIGHTNING flying everywhere, or just mauling them because you're a mother fucking bear.

That being said, you can't really go wrong with Volibear. He really benefits from almost anything. However, I personally like doing a sort of hybrid off-tank build.

Basically, spirit visage, trinity force or frozen mallet or rylais, rageblade, and defensive items are what I pretty much follow.

Spirit visage increases the passive's bonus, I find you'll get ignited quite often anyways, so that little extra health regen helps counter its reduced healing effect. The three or items are for their slow and assorted damage, depending on the type of damage you need/want to deal. Frozen is AD Voli, Rylai is AP Voli, and Trinity is Hybrid Voli. Rageblade just helps in general, because you autoattack faster, your ap goes up, it's in general just good stuff for Volibear. And it's dirt cheap too. Defensive items to get him a bit tankier, as you don't have any actual tankyness outside of your passive.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Got Adrenline rush right now, we beat a 2 v 3 a voli bear, fizz and a morgana and won, I was a Morgana and my best friend was Miss Fortunune, he has lots of Ranked matches told me what to do and we won!!! WOOOP