Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
I like your old name to be honest. :<

Welcome m8 <3
Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
Well, hope kratos like my new name, i'm so scared, kratos scares me.

and i love the new name even more c;
Last edited by strikas; Dec 27, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Reason: Diarrhea, you know..
Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
Ok rip, say hi to dragon.

Wow, i've just seen someone named Dragon in the clan... Active, nice belt, so i though, pretty cool. Then i've remembered that just me can invite, so, i said, Wtf!? And then i see a old post of yours and i said, isn't possible. Now here are you, Rip juliano. Btw, buy a vip.

Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
You send 200k to ishi..
Did you had namechange before?

Also it was nice new name.

Yes, it was rdo12 i guess.

Originally Posted by tyler0679 View Post
juliano, starting off a new as dragon. dis gonna be confusing

just happy your not angel..


Originally Posted by Dragon View Post
Well, hope kratos like my new name, i'm so scared, kratos scares me.

Yes, it's not bad. Don't worry, i won't rape you... (i guess)

Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Hello dragon
I was wondering why that mainstream name isn't taken by anyone yet

it was taken, but the guy was inactive as fuck, then Ishi gave him the name.

Originally Posted by lolman101 View Post
Hmm, what does that Aikido World Championship 2013 ticket do? :o

I have no idea. :P
Haha hello kratos, i guess i'll buy a vip but i need to wait creati0n, he was going to buy my itens for usd.
I suck.