WHY IS MY NAME ON THERE!? Oh and Kevin I finished the skeet replay. I found an old skeet replay also. It's in the Ormo thread.
Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
Guys, isn't this post cool? SyN board in a SyN thread.

what am i doing here
I meant "SyNception" p:

Obviously you can't have that thing as a description, lul.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Oh god. Its an Akmal inside an Akmal inside another Akmal inside another Akmal inside another Akmal SyNception!! We really need this in our clan description great idea Dragon.
That's an april fools day prank by staff. It will be gone after april 1st. Also, they exposed the super moderators and administrators board to normal users. Fish changed his name to phish because he got hacked.