Time to re-open my shop!
Read the rules before asking for a head, and it will probably take me a bit more time now, but I'm back in business! That is all.
#Magnus - #Sigma
[A]n Adventure|[A] RPG thread

Alright, welcome to the adventure RPG thread. First things first, time to establish some rules.

1. I am master and commander, what I say goes. Question me with a good argument, and I will consider your statements. Otherwise, your game is terminated. Got it?

2. Only Adventure members, Allies, and close friends may play in this thread. If you do not fit one of these bills, get out.

These are all the rules needed, at the moment. If any more issues come up, I'll deal with them.

So, now to the fun part, the actual RPGing. To begin, just fill out this form with said information. Remove the parenthesis to shorten.

Character Name(Try giving them a real name, and what I mean by this is not mcpunchy fists. Anything else will do fine, though.):

Starting Stats:

Power 10
Magic 10
Aim 10
Intelligence 10
Charisma 10

You are given 20 points with which to expand your skill set.

Faith (If you choose to create a make-believe faith, please elaborate on the belief systems and such.):

Weapons and Armor(I will say t\if you can have whatever weapons you choose to put here. If it's some extremely uber weapon, I won't.):

Starting City (Elaborate on the city, if made up.):

Mount (Anything rideable, put here.):

Starting move:

Put a general bio here, of what your characters goals are in life, what he is like, his morals, etc.

Also, you must agree to the rules, and swear to abide by said rules.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Character Name:Facade

Starting Stats:

Power 14
Magic 16
Aim 10
Intelligence 20
Charisma 10

Faith:Christian ;o

Armor:Steel full helm with steel greaves, and gloves. Along with chainmail with a white Tabard with a red "cross" on the front. As well as a Kiteshield with a Red cross painted on it.

Weapons: Steel Claymore, and a Steel longsword

Starting City:Athens


Starting move: I congregate with fellow Templar Crusaders.

Bio: My character's goal is to be rid the world of evil and everything unholy, for he is a Templar Crusader.
Last edited by Facade; Apr 5, 2011 at 02:58 AM.
what am i doing here
Originally Posted by thenamelessone View Post
Put a general bio here, of what your characters goals are in life, what he is like, his morals, etc.

Also, you must agree to the rules, and swear to abide by said rules

Says it all...
#Magnus - #Sigma