
EJM Moderated Message:
I asked my question for a reason
Last edited by SecretBank; Dec 13, 2011 at 07:55 PM.
Cartoon, please don't do my job, I mean really, I stated before that PMing the damn team members is what you should do since it's THEIR job not yours.

They asked for the personnality pack's sake, not the BG check's sake.

And PM people, don't post in public.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Name: gabe
2nd Dan Black belt-I'm 4th dan

Explain any bad history or alts you may have, State all you alts, if you use, if yes when and why.i have no other accounts
but I have one infraction

Also state your previous clans and orgs.I haven't been in any orgs
clans i have been in are- carbon,yakuza,elite,-L,-Sandwich

Provide in-game crew with replays and in-game style

I would show you guys replays but the update got rid of my replays it seems. Also I am not much of a replay person. I am a forum and in game person.

Provide personalty pack with an about me paragraph

Well I am a 12 year old kid who likes to play soccer,read and be with friends. Toribash is more fun with friends in my opinion. At first i hated toribash but playing with friends made me like the game. I am just looking for a clan i can settle down with and just make new friends.

Provide skills team with proof of any skills and abilities you may have that are TB related (art,market,ect) I am just a in game person i don't market or make art. I am very active on forum to.

Last edited by Creek; Dec 14, 2011 at 12:21 AM.
If nobody's perfect and I'm a nobody, does that make me perfect?
Originally Posted by gabe0311
I am just looking for a clan i can settle down with and just make new friends.

Hope you find that here =)
Background check will start doin' their stuff.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
He seems cool and will start it now.
Last edited by josemi; Dec 14, 2011 at 03:17 AM.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]