Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
How about you two write this into gaming thread where it does belong into?

There is a reason behind why I asked Kevin to move the posts.
Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
Registering. Also, everyone play Realm of the Mad God (ROTMG), or die.

You can get it free on Steam or you can play the webpage game.


Nah, jk. It's nice.
Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
There is a reason behind why I asked Kevin to move the posts.

i know bro but dragon also posted so i felt like i had to do something <3
I posted here because I thought Kevin would move all the posts, and if I had posted in the other thread Akmal's posts about his game would've been infront of mine after Kevin moved them, and then no one would notice my post and no one would play my game and I would like eat shit and like die or Herpes and like rape a dog and it just wouldn't be good, okay?
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Akmal shall be the new Co-leader of SyN since he has the most experience and is active. Congratulations. You'll get the moderation powers asap.
Originally Posted by Akmal View Post
Thanks guys.

Also, getting a new less crappy internet connection in three hours.

I think about buying a new laptop this week.