Endurance Onslaught 6.0
And this is important, why? Just kidding, congratulations on your purchase, may it's days be long.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Originally Posted by Aesperus View Post
I see a Family Guy DVD.

I knew someone was going to mention that.

Oh, and it's important because I've been waiting for one for like three years.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
I knew someone was going to mention that.

Oh, and it's important because I've been waiting for one for like three years.

How could someone not mention it? It's just something so irrelevant to the picture, it stands out greatly.
Serious Stuff.
Okay guys.
The time has come to really knuckle down.
The reason is as follows: Your clan board is contains a lot of useless (offtopic/spammy) threads. You need to start cleaning up your act.

I would suggest that you make a singular Offtopic/General discussion thread that you post all the things like "Let's play chess." ; "lolprinter." ; "OMG I owned hampa." And reserve the use of other threads for things such as events and so forth.

If you were to look around other clans you would see that their boards are less cluttered.

Please clean it up Leaders and local mods. It needs to be done.
(You do appear to have settled down after the initial "OMG OFFICIAL" spam though.)

It is my job as clan mod to cleanse the board of these posts by deletion. But seeing as I am nice, I will give you a chance to clear it up first.
Please try to grow into a habit of posting all unrelated things in a general chat or off-topic thread instead of in various threads.

IRC is a great place for general banter.

Just make things a little tidier, bros. No silly wibble games. And remember, you're a clan. Collaborate as one and do things. Keep wibbles to wibbles, and you should be fine.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Bumping this.
Right now, there are alot of replay events, so we might want to hold back a bit maybe, but anyways, I noticed we haven't done events/tourneys for a whiles, so...Let's get to it!
can you guys remember what i said long ago?

"guys, seriously, moderators added new rules, if we keep making threads this way, they can delete our clan, they won't let anymore spam threads."

but noone heard me.