Endurance Onslaught 6.0
^ Fuck no.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Man playing against bots are so fun.
I got to solo baron before the game was over LOL
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
champs i soloŽd baron with:
lee sin
i dont like botgames ^^but actually i do like normal more than ranked. the idiots are the same and the level of skill equal. but still in normal you dont get "punished" for your teams work
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In my time, ranked and normal games, I've successfully solo'd baron for shits and giggles with shaco (15 minute instaspawn box spam), jax (hurr), lee sin multiple times, ad kassadin lololo, ww, and udyr.

But I highly suggest never doing it, unless you have oracles and your team can keep them occupied (unless its a normal then do whatever the fuck you want, not like anyone has wards anyway)
Hey I was thinking about getting Tryndy (The Spinning Slash Guy) as well.. I got raped by one and I would like a Character not so dependent on his teammates since I play with non communicating strangers :S
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Hey Guys starting LoL again, but since I wanna start playing with new guys (to get used to the game) Im making a new account
First character I should save up for?

Ezreal. Go for it, bro.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Hey I was thinking about getting Tryndy (The Spinning Slash Guy) as well.. I got raped by one and I would like a Character not so dependent on his teammates since I play with non communicating strangers :S

tryndamere sucks ass
if you want to rely on yourself start to play ap carries
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Ok Ill get Ezreal then, whats he liked. Tips blah blah, im still a noob now, also I forgot how to move the camera because I hate the follow camera :S
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Ok Ill get Ezreal then, whats he liked. Tips blah blah, im still a noob now, also I forgot how to move the camera because I hate the follow camera :S

He's like a boss.

Go AD build:

Doran's blade -> Berserkers (first sword for attack speed (more minions will die), then boots) -> Trinity Force (first build shen for double attack from using abilities, then that yellow cross-swords for some AS buff and then phage) -> Black Clever (dat dmg, dat AS, sell doran's blade to gain some gold boost) -> Infinite Blade (crit cape first, then pick, then whole inf edge) -> build double Bloodthristers and look at that damage, attack speed and lifesteal. Pure pwnage. At full build, I did 1,500+/- crit hit per 0,5 second (when using your abilities, your passive increases to max 5 stacks, increasing your attack speed). Also, adding to that 500-600 hp per 0,5 second from lifeasteal, that's pretty boss.
Also, AWESOME escape mechanics - flash+e = catch me if you can bitch + exhaust = oh god

just to prove Ez awesomeness:


also, link to some Ezreal cool tips:
Last edited by Saint; Nov 24, 2011 at 09:59 PM.