Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
Uh, you all obviously fucked up somewhere along the lines way earlier then when i showed up. And no i will not go pretend to be an elf in my clan, i'm busy figuring out what the hell is going on with all of you.

We no longer have aspirations as a clan. All we cared about was getting official, but never took the time to think about after getting it. All the members from "the good old times" have moved on. The members that are here, or that have just shown up aren't those guys. That's what happened.

Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
I'm just going to delete any more posts by you. [Ethr] isn't your buisness, and your attitude is just awful.

Don't delete them. Maybe everyone will open their eyes after seeing the truth from someone other than Nyann.
Last edited by LagSwitch; Mar 14, 2013 at 01:11 AM.
Agreed. I'm gone for one day and this happens.
Dafuq people. :L

And no fair. I was ninja'd.
'°o[Ethr♥][My Music][B.A.W.S.]o°'
Umm... Am I getting this right? Dobby comes into our thread, makes fun of our clan saying it's leaders are bad even though his clan is stupid and obviously going to fail, and ours is official? I don't think I'm seeing your logic.

And with the clogging boards thing. What the hell is wrong with your brain? All you have to do is not click "Ethereal" in the official clans list. Fucking idiot. Go look for drama somewhere else. We're not childish little kids that like that shit.
Originally Posted by Nyann View Post
That's because I'm not allowed to.
If I punish people for doing something wrong. They get put back where they are.

Not allowed to kick people either. A leader with no powers.

In the end, everything comes down to Inferno and Ave's decisions. It is their clan.

Now, I know a lot of you, for some reason. Think you are not in the wrong. I don't know why, I don't know how you can trick your own brain into thinking you are a good, helpful member to this clan, but you do it. Congratulations, you win... Nothing. Yay!

For those that know me. I am busy, thanks for pointing that out Nijia.
While you guys; mostly sit around doing jack shit. So, I already work 2 jobs. Shop and a waitress. Now, do you think, when I get home. I want to sit around look here and see every whim and order you want. And deal with it right away. No. I don't. This is basically, me taking on a 3rd job. Bonus points to those who guess it:


Because, that's basically what it is.

Now; I'm normally nice. I don't like getting angry, but some of you. - You know who are you. Are assholes. Deal with it. You gonna' act like a bitch, you get treated like one. Simple as that.

So; now you are thinking. "Hold up Nyann. You insulted me, I'm gonna cry about it." Go ahead. I've been here for nearly 8 months, constantly trying my best. - While it may not be the very best. I've tried. And I give up.
I give people warnings: They send hate PM's. I do nothing, you guys get mad. There's no winning.
I have unbelievable amounts of respect for Inferno. He's done an amazing job keeping this clan alive, but he can't do everything you know. Sure, we could Edit every message to make it seem like most of you are over the age of 9. But if you're not going to meet us half way, I wont either.

So, lets check the list.
Powers - Check.
Rage - Check.

last but not least. The goodbye.

Now, this clan has been nothing but amazing since I got here. They've been really helpful, they let me in, even when I wasn't at the right belt. I've met some of my closest friends, had some of my best experiences ever. I honestly, am lost for words when trying to describe this clan.
But, most of those members have left, the new ones. Too immature for me, I don't want to be a part of this clan anymore. And I know, Inferno, I'm sorry. I spoke to you previously about wanting to leave if things didn't change, but they stayed the same. I'm sorry. I don't really mind if I get put on the enemy list. I don't really mind if I'm banned from posting here.
I just want you to know. I'm grateful for everything you trusted me with. I hope you the best. And if any ethr members leave because I left - You are stupid.

I finish this with my final words:

I think I overstayed my welcome. If you didn't want me causing problems. Just kick me, it was as simple as that. No need to go behind my back about it.

I am sad to see you go. You are very smart and brought sense and maurity to this clan. Your posts were full and helpful to others. I will still stay in touch with you on steam.

Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
Well, kinda, and now almost everyone in toribash who has some sense now sees you all as a clan full of retards. what happened to the old Ethereal that was once cool :c


A long story

[Me going on about my past, yatta yatta yatta, the clan is getting worse]

[This is not a good bye, but I am hoping by all these thngs happening, the clan will start to ge more mature in most ways.]

EDIT: Some things I forgot. The only people who CAN be mature are Inferno, Rexoa, Isolations, Soap, and Myself. This isn't ALWAYS serious, but the most out of the clan. Some probs are, Inferno only posts silly or responce to being mean to clan. Rexoa and Iso never post, and Soap posts silly... I used to post silly, but now I am trying to better the clan.

EDIT2: Wow, this whole thing took 20 minutes to write

ESIT3: Put in spoiler
Last edited by Nijia; Mar 14, 2013 at 03:34 AM.
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Well glad to see you did not be drastic and leave the clan. And to be honest guys, you need to calm down, be happy

This is a spoiler.

Last edited by ManlyPotato; Mar 14, 2013 at 03:25 AM. Reason: Because only I edit my own things, foo.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
This thread isn't for that shit. This is on of the things Nyann was talking about. Use the God damned threads for what they're meant to be used for.

Nyann, you are an awesome person and I hope our paths cross again. Good luck with all your shit. Sad to see you go.

I think the clan is fine in most angles, honestly. Except for stupid shit and immaturity.
Like the 3 word story thread. No one ever tried to make a legit story except that one that Simon and I made. It's all just bullshit and stupidness.

Would'nt you like to read a story about an epic adventure with multiple people's input and ideas instead of 1 giant paragraph of cursing, racism, ignorance, stupidity, etc?

Anyway. I'm in this clan for the long haul. The only way I'm leaving is if Inf leaves. This clan will die without Inf or Nyann here.
Aloha ethr hows everyone doing? : )
I was going to post earlier but I forgot(Twice) lol...
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Lag~All you do is jump in, be random, and leave. You are like a more active Mj, semi more active Mj

D3~You are right. You were a big part in Ethr and helping it get offical. It is sad what is happening at this time and you now leaving this area...
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Nijia, spoiler that next time.
If I felt like reading a long book I would go to a library.(actually fuck that libraries are stupid.)
Originally Posted by Nijia View Post
Lag~All you do is jump in, be random, and leave. You are like a more active Mj, semi more active Mj

D3~You are right. You were a big part in Ethr and helping it get offical. It is sad what is happening at this time and you now leaving this area...

You have no idea what's been going on in this clan, do you?