I would love demon force, but I see you are sending it to killpiu ;]

Next time maybe..
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mh okay I'm happy with full textures xD

but If anybody has an uneeded demon force.... I would treat it good ^^
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hehe Moltee, me too,me too

But it's ok , I won't be vulture that says free itemz pl0x

But demon force , or even lax ( so I would change set ) would be great
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I should sell the texture pack ?

how much is it worth ? novitech sells one for 1.000.000

or should I make an auction...

what would you do ?
Last edited by Moltee; Apr 17, 2009 at 01:41 PM.
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Umm I wouldn't sell a gift from someone

But I don't think so you will sell it for more than 400 k ,because textures are worth around 500 k
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probably i'll have two demon packs Dark and moltee:you have to talk about it cuz i won't choose,too...
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Hmm...moltee, so if you get full textures and you will sell them, you will can afford for no-qi demon force :P

So is that ok if I take demon pack from xmiechox?
My colors suck :P
Last edited by DarkHunt; Apr 17, 2009 at 02:31 PM.
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selling the texture pack was pius idea... so I could complete my textures and still get some money... If I would open the pack a had some double things and that would be somehow sensless xD

but If I'm right I need still 375k to get a full textureset...
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