Trying to join xD
Nick : lordtiger
Belt: Brown
Fav Mod : Judo
GMT: + 02:00
Why u want join: KROOK invited me xD
Best mod : idk haven't really tried much but wolverine was not bad
Past clan(s): none
Msn Or Yahoo: don't have but could make one xD
e-mail : [<thereusedtobeavalidemailhere>[/email]
skype : no_way_i_cant_play

Oh man, how far I've come since those days 3.11.2012
Last edited by lordtiger; Nov 2, 2012 at 11:56 PM. Reason: Revisited my first ever post on the Toribash forums
LOL nice skype name its a yes from me, you aren't a bad player In Game so on that aspect your in just wait and see what the others say about you joining, make sure you read the forum rules as well because we wouldnt want you getting infractions so good luck, we shall await the others and see what they say.
Replays :
Well you asked for replays and there you have them ... keep in mind that I posted all of them,not just the good ones(no use of showing only my best efforts,where anyone could do a fail once in a while)

If you want perfected moves against uke or multiplayer replays , say so and I will deliver.(also please keep in mind that I installed the game two weeks ago and I've been playing more actively for 8 days now,so I'm not saying I'm one of the best{or even close >_>})
For now I hope you will let me become a hunter
Attached Files
kinda nice.rpl (52.4 KB, 7 views)
this one sucks ... sorry.rpl (46.7 KB, 6 views)
this one's not so bad.rpl (71.9 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by lordtiger; Jul 9, 2009 at 08:11 PM. Reason: lame keyboard ...
For some reason rep;lays are fucked for me so i cant view them but im sure that Wannin will find a way to look at em but i think that 2 weeks of play you haven't done bad in skills, i can also train you to play like me which is pretty much an honour seen as i haven't trained anybody else in the clan YET.

Boragoom:Post your application again if you still want to be in the clan and we'll post what we think

also lordtiger im happy to see that you came and looked on the forums again, i had my doubts i have to say :P
The replays work fine with me(I just click "open with" and select toribash).I haven't had any problems with opening any replays throughout the site so I think it should work.I'll think about the training part xD
And hey,you went through the trouble of inviting me,so the least I can do is return the favor(sort of) by showing interest.
you seem nice, do you know by heart how to get here? easily? without one teeny bit of trouble?
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
If you mean if I know how to find the forum,yeah,I'm always 3 clicks away from it,as long as my internet provider doesn't try to screw me over(doesn't happen often).Chillax I'm not that stupid,I know my way around xD