haha it's all good join the club of people with nooooo lives

I mostly get on the forums/chat my girlfriend on the computer
We had a nice test at school, which asked us if we smoke, get drunk, then they listed every single kind of drug in existence (heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, etc, etc.) and asked millions of questions if we have used them or regularly use them, then they listed symptoms of being addicted to the computer, if we've had sex in the past 12 months, and if we regret it, and so on.

All that in only 16 pages.
I like taking stuff like that. Looking at the stuff you've said the test includes, I think I wouldn't tick anything nor would I ever write yes, lol.
Tint is sex.
I just finished highschool of the dead I forget who mentioned it but the story line was top notch. The boobs and panty shots were just iceing on top of the cake :P
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...