
The Leviathan. This guy will plague you. Colliding with it is fatal for you, and it keeps coming after you until one of you dies. To make matters worse, it also shoots big lasers at you from its tail while on screen, and it's also really quite tough (not as much as the bosses, but still). Basically, it's a very elite mook, and it'll show up in level 16 and onwards, so you get yellow leviathans in level 19. :U

Anyways, that makes the last green mook for this update (once i'm done fiddling with it), so now we just have a few yellows left before we can start making levels. After that, shop upgrades and main menu buffs are next. Once that's done, the update is ready. c:
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Good luck with it, you may be surprised to hear that you're not underestimating the time it takes. :I

@Arglax: It is rather mesmerizing to watch, if i may say so myself, but you'll quickly snap out of it when you realize the kind of threat this guy poses to your health. :U


Those yellow shots CAN hurt you, so at the moment it sucks to be a bullet user against them. :U
In general it just sucks to be up against the yellow Leviathan though, because it moves faster, shoots faster and can take a lot more hits ON TOP OF the yellow shields. Compared to the green one, which can only survive a super shot in the face (and then only one), the yellow one can take two supers to the face with impunity, and every single midsection can also survive one super. It's practically a boss in and of itself, so it probably shouldn't be paired with too many other enemies. ;o

So that, along with the yellow heavy wedge, marks the last mooks that we needed. We're getting pretty far into August though, so i'm no longer sure if we can get the update out during this month, but September is very likely.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I'm on ubuntu, can't see for myself, what happens when one of the chain-linked enemies is hit in the body? Does it split up :oD?
f=m*a syens
If you manage to destroy one of the middle sections, everything behind that section (in the chain) will explode in a lovely chain reaction. It might be a smidge too durable if that didn't happen, because the green has a grand total of 1350 health to be depleted, whereas the yellow has a staggering 2300 total health. For comparison, the first boss has 900 health, and the second has 3000. Oh, and at the moment, the third boss has 5000 health. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Wow, Shook. I didn't notice this thread before. This looks badass.
I haven't played it yet but I'm curious about the "mild RPG elements" that you wrote about in the desc. That sounds really unique for a space shooter. I'm gonna check this out when I get home.
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
Mostly just in the sense that you earn XP for killing enemies, which in turn lets you level up and gets you skillpoints. Really, it's just an alternate shop currency for a different set of upgrades. Calling it RPG-like is probably a bit too generous, although in the finished game there will be a silly story tacked on. :U
Glad to hear you're going to try it though, i hope it won't disappoint!

@Arglax: That seems to be correct so far. ;o
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
I just did a playthrough and it was sweeet.

This build was done on Gamemaker 8.0, right?
I really enjoyed this spaceshooter ,bro. It started a tad too slow for my taste but everything picked up pretty quickly. I love level 3. Good job, Shook.
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.