No making a new clan would be very hard, we could make a server where people can join for testing, and we can apply them right away, and then we would have more members.
So, the biggest problem is that CAN you send them invite, that they can join our clan? And yes, I can create a server and run it.
Here I come for another fight.

Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
Tf2 and Minecraft make a pretty potent combination of not doing anything on the Toribash forums.

I'll try and make it so you two can invite people, since you're both relatively more active and more useful than I am. I doubt Dent will mind if we don't tell him.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post

I'll try and make it so you two can invite people, since you're both relatively more active and more useful than I am. I doubt Dent will mind if we don't tell him.

Great, but you cant play games, without even taking a look at internet, its just impossible!
I've stolen an idea for increased activity, it looks a little like this. We'll do a bunch of intra-clan mini-tourneys. Except that there'll be no reward, other than important things like, PRIDE and WINNING. It'll consist of us picking a mod, and thing to do, and then us submitting replays. Just an idea.
Whait wat i got kinda confused, are we going to take a try, or make event such as this, only inside our clan or public?