I-I-I-I'm listening to it while I write this! 8D
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Nice boom... Sorry I'm a bit lazy on replays now...
I made one, I'm improving it but I thought that it might look nice as it is. //EDIT: Made another freerun stuff... I know, it's too stiff...
Attached Files
Clay_Freerun_Decap_Punch.rpl (73.3 KB, 4 views)
Clay_Freerun_Decap_Punch_2.rpl (150.4 KB, 4 views)
Clay_Headless_Freerunner.rpl (103.3 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by clayspade; Jun 25, 2011 at 06:43 PM.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Oh sorry tsuki, wrong one, I'll change it right away. Added 1 more to the previous post.
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
Ok, the start cartwheel thing was horrible, HORRIBLE and stiff.To a LOVELY twist that was great to an adequate landing, where are the safty rolls? Then here is a tip, when you do a backflip keep your knees contracted. Not fully but when your knees are fully extended it looks bad. Then you climb horribly, you shouldnt have grabbed that was an easy jump. Then to a easily do-able double backflip to a landing that in real life your arm would be broken into many peices, be realistic. Then a backflip which I actually liked but your head tiped the little thing. Now uke, good start but I WANT SAFTY ROLLS! You landed the first one with an easy safty roll then the next jump you dont do a safty roll but you did an ok twist. I would rather have a safty roll then all those landings. Over all the tricks were nice but no realism, it looks like you didnt edit it once and even with that its not that great. Sorry but 5/10

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