I think we should have a thread like this for non-texture art (i.e., signatures with a predetermined stock/render/theme).

Just a thought
back from the dead
A hand drawn realistic head duel would be interesting, I remember a photo ref one with monobi ages ago, but I dont think anyone aside from me actually did one.(dug it up)


But yeah I'd be up for a hand drawn one.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Oooh, i remember that! I'm willing to make that a contest actually. Take photographs of yourself and turn them into a head texture...
&quot;Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork.&quot;
Pawpawpawpawp I'm up for a challange.

I've recently figured out this Nvidia mapping feature found here.

And I wonder if we could make some kind of challenge about putting it to usage.
coincidentally I had alook to see how normals react in the alpha last week hoping to see some shiny ass raytracing change with the angle of the normals but they don't interact together, seems to be one or the other. Even then they were very slight and acted more like a bump than normalmap and weirdly negated the texture... or perhaps I just did it retardedly lol.

But yeah I'd love to see it work tho.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's