All of that, makes perfect sense to me, except the dead bit. I like them alive still.

I have no problem with a little sog.

Anyway, minus points to Macrid for clan disloyalty. However he seems decent enough to talk to, to ally with. We can talk about him joining if he actually applies.
Originally Posted by Macrid View Post
I see, will not make any excuses for my absurd post.
All i can say is that i won't do it again.
So bye.

The above post is unnecessary.
How to get the fuck out:
1. Don't post.
2. Get out.
3. Stay out.
3a. Commit suicide to show the world how sad you are, we're still rid of you either way.

And to Arb: I want you.
Arb gets single ally, yes yes?
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
And Lars he's a decent guy, give him a chance, no?

I'm a people-knower, both you and Brubs are underthinking that post.
He wants you to think he's decent by posting that, he wants you to give him a chance. I already explained to Brubs more detail-y.
I know he's no good.

I also know Arb is an awesome Brony, and he WILL get single ally without being hindered by me.
Lol arb is an amazing guy, aren't you mitchy?
Anyways I was ingame with Macrid about an hour ago, he's decent, as I said.
Lol trial ally? ;D
And by the way, I know where you're coming from Lars, I understand that you don't trust him, as I don't trust most people who apply for anything in this clan.
But I got a good vibe from him when we were ingame.
Lets just say he's not that terrible.
Last edited by fluffykat; Sep 11, 2011 at 11:38 PM.