I'm really sorry about not being too active recently. As I am sure you expected, it is because of schoolwork. AS level revision is beginning imminently and the teachers are pushing us pretty hard at the moment. I did 3 homeworks which were in for this week on Sunday (took several hours, not sure exactly how long though), I did 1 or 2 homeworks monday and tuesday which took about the same amount of time. This was all manageable, then, yesterday I was set 7 homeworks, they aren't all in for this week but you get the picture. I know all of us probably have a lot of work and I am know I am not the worst off, I am telling you about how much work I have to demonstrate that it is hard for me to stay active here, not because I want your sympathy. I can't access the forum with school wifi (except at lunchtime for some fucking reason) and have to use 3G on my phone. On Wednesday I get back home after 7:00, other days around 5-6 (including Saturday obviously). My mum usually takes my laptop and phone at night so I can't be on the forum after about 9:30 (unless she forgets or makes the mistake of trusting me).

This wouldn't be a problem if wasn't so damn slow at writing posts. Unless something on the forum can be responded to quickly (or is particularly interesting/important like someone mugging me off in a discussion thread) I am unlikely to respond at all.

And Ele, 200 year old house? Bitch please, my house is 500-600 years old with Tudor beams and shit. The downside is that it had victorian refurbishments in a lot of the rooms (parts of the house has been being built, extended, refurbished and demolished quite a lot in its lifetime so lots of different styles of architecture and design), the kind which houses always have in horror movies.
Last edited by Zelda; Mar 5, 2015 at 09:47 PM.
Good morning sweet princess
Heeeey Zelda, is nice to see some news from you, we start to get worried, well, I started, good to know that you're ok.

About that other subject, bitches please²... My uncle have a stepmother in the netherlands and her house is about 715 years old, it still have a forest and some victorian\gregorian\i don't know which architeture in the whole compound (it's a huge farm near Almere), my cousin is there right now, but I believe that asshole is in Paris right now shoving up some croissants.
...My house is 40 years old. Then again, I live in the US, and in a a fairly new area of my town.

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
'Looks' like good weather. It's been super-sweaty, super-humid and super-draining here the past week or two. My 'breathable' fabrics just choke on all my sweat. Two minutes out of the shower and I'll be covered in it. Crap weather, feels bad man.

I would kill to be in your area Ele. I absolutely hate the cold, and that's all there's been for the past six months.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Hi tl;dr people, how's your life?
Since you're talking about weather right now, I'll join in. :v Where I live (Anaheim, CA) it's pretty cold in the morning (~12 C°) and gradually gets warmer in the afternoon (~27 C°).
ϵ( 'Θ' )϶
Originally Posted by ToasterDan View Post
Hi tl;dr people, how's your life?
Since you're talking about weather right now, I'll join in. :v Where I live (Anaheim, CA) it's pretty cold in the morning (~12 C°) and gradually gets warmer in the afternoon (~27 C°).

Life is good. Weather... ...I haven't gone a week without snow. I made someone actually think I lived in Russia by taking a picture outside. It's Virginia USA
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Seems like I am the one who don't have much experience with old arquitectures as well with cold temperatures. My city is next to the equator line, which explains the reason for we have so high temperatures here. Happily we have a bunch of wind to assuage it, so I am ok with the weather.

Originally Posted by ToasterDan
Hi tl;dr people, how's your life?

Hi bud. Life is pretty good. I just noticed that tomorrow is a holyday in the city where I study, so I shall hang out with ma friends to enjoy the day. How about you?
Last edited by Daedalus; Mar 6, 2015 at 03:40 AM.
As discussed earlier, I live near by Ele, and I have to agree with him, this heat is killer.
My school clothes don't help either because they just trap the heat, making me sweat a fuck tonne.
I want it to be winter already, only another 3 months o/
father of philip scone
You know Donkey, now that I'm adjudicating school debates, if you're involved with your school's debates then I could rig that shit - make you lot undefeated champions. Until then, I'm just going to keep giving the prettier team the victory.
Is it true that you make all your descisions based on who gives you the most bribery money?
Good morning sweet princess
Hey. I am not some money-grabbing thief. I will award the victory based on whichever girl gives me the biggest smile.

But it's actually not that complicated. I mark each speaker on their presentation skills, the arguments and rebuttals they offer, and how well they follow the rules (not going under/over, not following proper structure etc). At the end of the debate though, I decide in my gut who won, and if that's not reflected in the scores (it usually is), I can go back on alter the scores to fit who I think won. After that, I deliver the scores and feedback to each speaker.

It's a pretty cruisy job and it's once a week, so it's an easy bit of pocket money.