
Que lixo isso. Por isso e outras coisas que nao jogo mais. Estão destruindo com tudo. Se voce estiver com preguiça, pague 30 dolars e ganhe 10k qi. Ah vsf.
Bah... até dah pra entender... Nabi precisa de dinheiro...
Mas poxa... os preços tão tudo errado
10 dólares = 1000
30 dólares = 10000

É visivelmente muito mais lucro comprar 30$
Com 30$ dah pra ganhar digamos 1 ano jogando toribash...

Se for pra vender qi... que os preços sejam mais altos, bem mais...
Originally Posted by Eduardo View Post
1. How old are you?
I'm 20 years old.

2. Activety:

a.) How long have you been playing Toribash?

Something like October, November 2007. I lost my first account.

b.) How long have you been active on the forums?
Like January 2009.

3. Timezone and Schedule:

a.) What timezone do you live in?

GMT -3, Brazil.

b.) At what times of day are you generally active?
Usually while I'm on the computer, between 11 am to 2 am (all day long). Of course I go outside sometimes, but i'm generally on the computer, so i'm well active.

4. How much time do you typically spend on the forums each day?
The Toribash Forum is aways turned on my web brower, when i'm in the computer, i'm on the forum. I check forum normally every 15 minutes all day long.

5. Which board would you like to moderate?
Begginer Santuary or Tutorials.

6. Why are you interested in moderating said board?
I am interested in moderating them because I love helping people, explaining, being usefull, among other things. I really appreciate when someone was in doubt, and be happy when I explain and they understand. I'm usually inclined to help those who ask.

7. Do you have any previous experience in moderating forums/managing users?
Yes, I have. I'm actually Leader of BPTU (Brazil-Portugal Toribash Union) and helping on clan No-Mercy (unofficially moderating).

a.) What were your responsibilities?
Well, i'm Leader of BPTU, I deal with common daily moderation on organizations. Maintaining order and keeping everything within the rules. In No-Mercy I'm actually a "helper", something like an unofficial moderator. I act as a moderator, but without moderation powers, because I am currently in the clan DAT.

b.) How well do you think you did your job?
I believe I do my job well. There haven't been complaints lately. I think I'm a good moderator.

8. If there is anything else that you think we should know, please put it here.
Well, to complete, I think I will be very useful, I speak 3 languages fluently, Portuguese, English and Spanish, I am a very comprehensive person and generally am willing to help. If you need references, you can ask about my work as moderator to any member of BPTU or No-Mercy, where I've showed my moderation. Sorry if I messed up on grammar, I'm giving my best.

O que acharam da minha apply para moderador local?

Deves ir para os tutorials porque eu quero

Mas: "I love helping people, explaining, being usefull, among other things." é no Support :P

E: "Like January 2009." está errado, tu tens debaixo do avatar o join date nos foruns.

e concordo com a resposta do 7.b)

Já agora, se quiserem, cliquem na minha sig. Não é falsa.
Originally Posted by AllenKun View Post
sonhos repetitivos ¬¬ 21 vzs isso nao ser bom =[

Sonhou o mesmo sonho 21 vezes ? :o
Sim, eu também tenho sempre os mesmos sonhos e pensamentos... e dores super esquisitas repetitivas enquanto durmo.
Originally Posted by TBashed View Post
E: "Like January 2009." está errado, tu tens debaixo do avatar o join date nos foruns.

VOCE está errado
no momento que cria sua conta ja fica o join date.
aquilo foi o dia que ele criou a conta dele *setembro de 2008* se nao me engano.
criei a minha primeira em 14-12-08, e comecei a usar os forums em janeiro de 2009
^Nem é, você ganhou essa conta :l
Aliás, vendi a conta, mas como ele não transferiu o dinheiro ainda estou usando, talvez quando ele entra no msn digo pra não enviar, quero minha conta :e
Nero. a minha primeira conta realmente foi criada no dia 14 de dezembro de 2008.
quando eu baixei o toribash 3.69 pelo baixaki.