Sil, me too as I went to uni and cant play games cause of crappy laptop, I feel that ive left I huge part of my personality behind me.
For example yesterday I cancelled my WoW subscription an I got a bit depressed cause in the end I was sad for leaving it, as I used to play with a lot of friends, and kept playing it even though they have all moved forward.
I dont feel like playing video games anymore in general but thinking about them and all the fun times and awesome friends ive made out of it make me question myself. Are those things worth? I will never see and meet most of the people ive met online and befriended and as everyone will eventually move on with their lives you will look back at those years and ask yourself was it worth spending my time and losing the real life? or should I have gone and met them in person?

In my case this is the choice I have to make and I guess ive already made it even if I dont realise it, I have moved to england in order to study Biomedicine and thus I cant (practically) play games, both mentally and they dont fit in my timetable.
Probably you must face the same dillema as me
I be teh dedicated person. Also I can host tourneys or servers whenever. So if ya want me to just shoot me a pm or something.
Originally Posted by Sil View Post
I really want to get back into toribash, but i'm just not feeling it. Everything feels so different and it isn't like it use to be.

Unless Sil comes back and helps me try to save this shit show then I think I might just have to turn my back on this. It's definitely nothing like it used to be.

Sil bruh, been a while.

Ps. When you have someone being asked to have there name taken off the list it's kind of funny.... Miss ya too bruh
Originally Posted by Muse View Post
Ponzo I miss you broski

I miss you too bruh, I need to catch you online sometime.
Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
hmmm. What exactly did it used to be?
Please enlighten me. I'm still new in a sense.

It used to be a respectable organization booming with life and activity, but that was about 2 years ago maybe 2 1/2.

You could come to the forum and count on having conversations or having people to play with ingame. People would apply for this org in groups of 5-10 at a time and it was also a place where we helped people learn to master aikido to the best of our abilities.

It's just sad to see what it has become.
Originally Posted by Ponzo View Post
It's just sad to see what it has become.

At least the change brought more activity than when it was completely dead a couple of months ago. Not sure why you're blaming this all on one moderator, when this org is for members to actually do shit and get involved if they really want to help this org and be a part of it.

But yeah, it's very different from what it used to be, people change and realise this game stays the same, we all remember it differently from when we first started. ;( rip good times
Last edited by Holotor; Oct 24, 2014 at 10:18 AM.
Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Why, not just re-create and change it back to the original?

What exactly do you mean by that? I like what snake did. I mean I could live without tiers and the chinese lettering, but the r&d and knowledge base has led to good stuff and is definitely a step in the right direction.
(I really mean the part about the chinese lettering, it appears to turn more people off than look proffesional).

If anything, we should make the organisation more casual, but still serious, if you know what i mean. Also more casual chat and in-game servers. And I know I'm definitely not the one to say this, since i've been busy all year and will probably remain that way.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I mean when the org was first created and not just about of rights and wrongs to do in aikido.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
At least the change brought more activity than when it was completely dead a couple of months ago. Not sure why you're blaming this all on one moderator, when this org is for members to actually do shit and get involved if they really want to help this org and be a part of it.

But yeah, it's very different from what it used to be, people change and realise this game stays the same, we all remember it differently from when we first started. ;( rip good times

Yes it is for members but that doesn't mean you don't allow others to become apart they can join if they like what they see we don't force people to join. Also what are you talking about blaming it on one mod wasn't my intention, but he isn't helping telling people they can't post because of personal reasons and such. This isn't a clan it's an org and place to meet people, learn new skills and such.

Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
Why, not just re-create and change it back to the original?

That's a lot of work and there is no reason to do that, in all honesty we just need the right people in charge.

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
What exactly do you mean by that? I like what snake did. I mean I could live without tiers and the chinese lettering, but the r&d and knowledge base has led to good stuff and is definitely a step in the right direction.
(I really mean the part about the chinese lettering, it appears to turn more people off than look proffesional).

If anything, we should make the organisation more casual, but still serious, if you know what i mean. Also more casual chat and in-game servers. And I know I'm definitely not the one to say this, since i've been busy all year and will probably remain that way.

Not everything is bad, but most of it is.

Originally Posted by Avatar View Post
I mean when the org was first created and not just about of rights and wrongs to do in aikido.

As said in above post we just need the right people in charge