Ah yea, so my previous work history is very odd. So ive done contract flooring, painting houses (real job), contract roofing, web design (made websites for money), graphic arts, Walmart. So all of my jobs have been very different. lol

i know this is off topic,but i just want ti say im sorry ive ben unactive i have been caught up in school and what-not so yeh.....

Our clan is in a state of inactivity right now because of real life. I am not concerned, because once everything clears up we will be active again. Drakeco and trooperox1 and I will lead this clan once again, and if at that time we need to revive the clan, or recruit more members, so be it. We will not let this clan die.
Sorry for that guys, I've been pretty inactive, as I said, My mother is pregnant, she has diabetes, and I have to help her, also, I'm getting focused on baseball, school, etc, but I've been checking the forums whithout posting, so I know what's going on. But well, I'll try to post more often. ;)

Also, yeah Emo, we have to regain the activeness, and recruit members, members than can contribute something to the clan.