Congrats homie, who's the lucky lady? :^)

I'm your top tier waifu.
Visit my panda thread!
I'm also Event Squad! Slide into my DMs for questions!
Pssst! Aeon is just boomer Adventure. Pass it on.
smh I'm not getting married. I'm in the wedding party.
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Cooler than manbanger. He uses black color text. I use Astro.

Nitrate beleives he's cooler than I, i dunnooooo bout. that

sorry dudes im cooler than u both

oh cool 1,111 posts xd
i can describe tabby with many words, but sadly "cool" is not one of them
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by manbanger View Post
figured I'd state this now, gonna be inactive in august (will be around IRC for spoopy staff stuff and just to convince kririririir to sell me his wiz hat) for a wedding I'm taking part in. gonna be away 2 weeks.

glhf with the wedding and with convincing me to sell the wiz hat
I will do it eventually just u w8
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
Hi hello my name is saturn
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure
r e k t
Ex-Tori-Agent | Ex-Event Squad | Best Planet

splish splash aeon is trash | [a]dventure