Endurance Onslaught 6.0
guess what he'd do then ? he'd quit .. i just left and joined powas' tourney ;) obviously i lost in the first fight but it was fun ;P but i won a 500tc tourney,ave me !

EDIT: just had a confrontation with a moderator , i hope that it'll not end up with a ban ... i'll just give it up when it'll get hotter ...
Last edited by cptcoconut; Apr 24, 2012 at 03:53 AM.
The weird thing is, those unfriendly, douchebag people seem to be on every game nowadays. When I started playing on the interwebs, people were a lot more friendly. I mean, there are still extremely nice people around but I feel like the dickheads are taking over...
Sad, just sad.
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
The weird thing is, those unfriendly, douchebag people seem to be on every game nowadays. When I started playing on the interwebs, people were a lot more friendly. I mean, there are still extremely nice people around but I feel like the dickheads are taking over...
Sad, just sad.

To be honest when I think of how I behaved 4 years ago, I kind of think I was a dickhead myself, if I was to meet myself-4-years-younger, I wouldn't stand him probably. It's less of people being less nice (although this is the case as well) and more of our tolerance to faggotry getting lower, thus what we considered a nuisance sometime ago is currently outrageous for us.

The bad thing is those new guys don't seem to learn anything at all, we started of childish but matured and currently new people seem to stay childish like that.

I can especially relate to that along with other polfags that sit on #polska irc. Newcomers don't even try to improve.

btw. fucking sid making us more active with his thread
Last edited by JtanK; Apr 24, 2012 at 07:23 AM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
The bad thing is those new guys don't seem to learn anything at all, we started of childish but matured and currently new people seem to stay childish like that.

I can especially relate to that along with other polfags that sit on #polska irc. Newcomers don't even try to improve.

maybe you judge them too fast ? you see,it took you 4 years to grow up and realize that something was wrong.just my opinion ;) i don't think i'd stand a 4-years-younger-me either and i'd probably hate on him all the time ;)

btw just got to be an orange belt ! yeah,i do play some tb when i'm bored ;P
Last edited by cptcoconut; Apr 24, 2012 at 10:00 PM.
Nice to have at least one active guy in the clan, haha.

JT, you're probably right. But I still think it's a bit of that modern society because kids act like dickheads on the streets these days as well. Shit's getting worse and worse.
Originally Posted by flXy View Post
Nice to have at least one active guy in the clan, haha.

hell yeah man ! i was about to post that you guys are waaay to inactive ;) i have like nobody to talk to here ;( i'll talk to Powas ,maybe he'll let me post on CW forums sometimes,it'll be one more inactive forum to post on ;P
Honestly I think you've got the permission anyway, we're allies with CW so we have mutual permission to post on each other forums.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Woah, you got a reply from support. Your next stop: lottery.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos