Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Crystal Arrow from nowhere and my lack of reflex to dodge it. Stun, her slow from arrows etc

I guess, it's just that ashe doesn't actually do that much damage early game, so even with all her cc it's hard to die :3
lol who the fuck are you fooling dude?
against heavy casters like cass or kass you fucking need sustain like shit...

Either they're bad, you'll kill them. Or you will either die/won't sustain. Hextech revolver won't help you. If hextech revolver makes you sustain mid against some kind of cassio or kass, then they're awfully terribly bad and you should kill them.

your grounddmg is so sick dude...
1-3dorans is so necessary just think about it:
300 health
and i think 15manareg per 5
for 1.3k gold
2.5k= fucking ugly sustain
will of the acients also is a friggin good item

So you lose 3,4k which after 200g added could be instead changed into early rabadon, which should be more potent. You don't even have spammable skills to make use of this spellvamp, and most mids will rely on nuking you from 100% to death which will make the sv completely useless.

dude you dont have tot teach me... and no brand isnt a 50% 50% LOLWUTCANNON you want to secure your early with heavy farm to rape their late.... profit

buying so many doran rings and wota stunts your midgame because brand can do fine without them.

you actually need sustain as an ap carry or youre so fucked against a good team....

like one doran and blue is enough for brand to have completely simple and safe laning against anything anywhere, without wasting money on more dorans and sv, and he doesn't give a fuck about anything unless he overextends.

Originally Posted by Saint View Post

Don't build two rabadons, and on brand archangel's is sub-optimal, if you had zhonya's and for example wota instead of those items it'd probably be optimal build.
Last edited by JtanK; Nov 17, 2011 at 03:04 PM.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
So you lose 3,4k which after 200g added could be instead changed into early rabadon, which should be more potent. You don't even have spammable skills to make use of this spellvamp, and most mids will rely on nuking you from 100% to death which will make the sv completely useless.

You should actually do better off midgame economically if you can farm early game with the sustain the Doran's Rings provide. Buying multiple Doran's Rings allows for more early game power which shouldn't hurt your midgame much at all if done properly.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

I'm taking offers for my set
i would still say way too less sustain but i would NEVER build archangels... i completely hate this item...
with 2dorans wota you got a quite good amount of ap combined with spelvamp and bout 2-3hundred health more ....
its not like brand would own any caster... okay vs for example morgana i wouldnt go so beefy too i´d never expect to get her killed without a gank ( you actually never expect to do that ) also she cant kill me too fast since her dmg isnt that imba... in such situations i wouldnt go for sustain but else i cant imagine to play squishier than i am anyways....
for example casseopeia can outdamage me so easy...
but whatever this is a playstyle question i actually am playing reginalds brand...
666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
Okay, so yi is now viable again.

Go 30/0/0 masteries, surge, and some other spell of your choice and make sure to get that fucking +10 damage to towers.

Now you might ask, what's yi's role? Yi's role is to fucking backdoor the shit out of everything.

Dear lord, ghostblade + ult + w + surge can take out towers in under 5 seconds before level 11, it's fucking hilarious. dat yi

Oh god. I just did a game as that. Took out a full hp second level bot turret in 5 seconds underneath a leblanc's nose, then tped and took out first level top turret in 2. Zero fucks were given.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Saint View Post

i love my Ezreal and i dont give a fuck about any other champ. : D

Wow, you seem to do well with him.
[GU] [RL][Epic Replay Theard][Realism Player][deviantART]
you should see my ingame... 8 tristana games, 2 lost cause of bad team. allways won the lane and got fed.

and i just did a jungle shen... enemyteam rage quited against my 2 2 11 midgame score.

another jungle shen... mid yi ragequited due to my pressure lol
Last edited by AkumaBeast; Nov 17, 2011 at 11:22 PM.
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Oh god. I just did a game as that. Took out a full hp second level bot turret in 5 seconds underneath a leblanc's nose, then tped and took out first level top turret in 2. Zero fucks were given.

It's seriously so great, gonna carry myself to 1500 with it probs