The clan isn't a noob clan because you're not in it, it's actually better with out you.
Well I see that the awesome Waffle is awesome!
Anyway I might come back to TB with my 5 year old friends.
We all started to play this game toghether at 2012, but the world ended so that slowed us down. These things happen Pl0X!

Anyway we might open a clan. I doubt it'll ever be as awesome as you guys though, after all we are a bunch of n00bs, lol. Some 1337 guys like hkp and Jim will join if I'll ask them though.
Last edited by Waffledude; May 4, 2010 at 06:30 PM.
Do files get embarrassed when they get unzipped?
Tensions rise in the random offtopic thread, as the urge to abuse administrator powers becomes too much for some members, and as accusations of noobiness and inexperience fly across the thread, old friendships and alleigences are broken in an all-out battle to win internet superiority. Amid the chaos and desruction of war, there appears to be only one option left: Give Birdflu administrator privilages so I join in, goddammit.
Quit, probably.
No more spam or mod abuse or I will punish whoever does.
action; thts good !!
8 J
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
How different to Halo 3 is it?

Also, what's your xbox live name? Mines Kibster500. Add me
Quit, probably.