Originally Posted by Shiro View Post
hey arctic ily

you should post around here more often

ily2, but your prefixes suck
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
But if it isn't the Ne App legend. Good to see you here. And yeah, what shiro said. Come by here more often.

lol, hey hi.
I added a subscription to your board, so I might post around from time to time.

Nice Napstablook sigpic, he's the best.
Originally Posted by Greed View Post
What Mack said. °`_´°. Hi Null

I know you from somewhere, right? I just can't remember... were you in Ne, too?
Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Thanks man . I've seen you hovering around the TA board, when I used to. I'm not sure what posts you are referring to, but I'm still heart warmed that you thought of me <3

Yeah, I kinda stopped checking the TA board as well.

Those were just regular posts, you were just being helpful etc. :]
Originally Posted by Static View Post
Yo wasup panda. Also hey Arctic

Well peeps, I have an announcement to make. Sad to say, but I am leaving the clan. Not for any reason related to monk, monk is a great clan and has always been for me and will always be.

But, I have my own interests, one of which includes making and leading a clan. That is why I am leaving. It has been a goal of mine for a while, and for the first time I have all the resources to do so. While it tears me apart that I will be leaving you, I couldn't wait longer for this.

I have discussed the matter with BB, who approved and has declared me and my clan an ally. We wont loose contact, I will still be here, just not as an official member.

That is all from me, be seeing you guys soon.
So, this means it's my turn. I'll be going with duck to his clan. The time I have had with this clan has been absolutely amazing, but I feel like it's time for me to go. I'd especially like to thank BBKing and Timmy for making this clan into what it is today, of course with help of it's absolutely amazing collection of members. I know this is pretty sudden, but the decision of doing this is something I have thought of throughly almost ever since duck told me that he was willing to make his own clan.

Of course I will not lose contact with y'all.

This is Mack signing out.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Damn shame to see you guys leave....damn shame...

I wish you all the best with your clan though. Hope you rise to greatness.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
I actually applied to be gm but erth sidnt even reply.. sad life

Yeah timmy step up your game

Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
heheh (timmy step up)
Thanks man!

stepping up requires movement, fuuhuuuhuuuck that

Originally Posted by Jedi View Post
yes i am darkexxod


i am a bird now - Lil B

Think I just won the longest war in monk history

Evil vs Monk. 25 games

Monk 13
Evil 12
Lenshu Master/Buddhist