Out of curiosity, why do you change your avatar and signature so often, Twilight?
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
I can never make up my mind. But now I have to because my usertitle was 100k and my avatar was 80k... so... Yeah. xD
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Welcome back ConCon. ^^

I can't recall if you've read the most recent information or not, but head over here to the Essence Manual.
From there, have a look at the staff descriptions and the administration roster.

That's probably the newest most notable update.
I'm looking to expand on that and go a little more into detail soon.

Nice it looks good, great way to locate things quickly. Let me know if you need me to look over something or anything really.
Well, you're part of our Administration, so you'll help lend your opinion on the newest developments that occur.
The biggest thing we need now though is new members.
We're looking to fill the 15 remaining spots in Essence.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
I can never make up my mind. But now I have to because my usertitle was 100k and my avatar was 80k... so... Yeah. xD

I like your user, background and avy a lot but the sigpic just doesn't match for me

Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Well, you're part of our Administration, so you'll help lend your opinion on the newest developments that occur.
The biggest thing we need now though is new members.
We're looking to fill the 15 remaining spots in Essence.

15? 15-teen? Aren't we like already the biggest clan in Toribash, aside from TGS which just been a viral stuff this year?

I mean, biggest member count-wise in Essence, excluding EssM
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Well, you're part of our Administration, so you'll help lend your opinion on the newest developments that occur.
The biggest thing we need now though is new members.
We're looking to fill the 15 remaining spots in Essence.

Ok, makes sense, we do have a bunch of members but some new ones would be great to have as well
Originally Posted by Okami View Post
I have nothing to market .-. nothing I am willing to market anyway.

I'm already marketing. Look through my items and I'll give you a discount on what you want for being a clan member. Bought most of my stuff for cheap
Sometimes, I feel like I'm not here to others, or that I'm being pushed down. But they can't stop me from getting back up.
Welcome black. (yes what you saw there really did just happen.)

I always read it as "I'm black" for some reason.
Originally Posted by DonutFatal View Post

I'm ok with that

Welcome back and don't ask to be banned in the future :3

BTW: I'm over 4k posts ( o Y o )