I can't make it. It'll be 6 in the morning, so too bad. That's okay, I want you guys to win. Make sure to save replays of the fights, so I can savor your victory. Also, Rayleigh, yeah, Akido was a bad mod to pick. We have some of our best fighters in Akido. Good luck guys.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Alright, now we have to think of the rules. Brainstorm guys.
Also think of a good name for the event.
Name : Adventure's Replay Contest


Distance at least 400 or closer
No insta
Normal Dm
Boomhit is 3 or more dms
No replays that are premade
The More dms in the Boomhit the points you earn
Points go in as Boomhit is 3 points ( 1 point is added for how many dms you get in there)
Skeet it 3 points( Points added from how for you through it)
Starting Flow is 2 points
Good ending pose is 2 points
Pay 1k to enter?

Add on rules if you want.

We also take bribes :P
Last edited by calmdown09; Mar 13, 2011 at 10:44 PM.