Stop, i can see this going into anotehr arguement, deep shit isnt pleasant, i've alrdy told you that if this happens again you will find out so i suggest that you stop being so awkard. Now stop with the arguing, if you really must argue you take it to PM's and leave this thread for people who want to join the clan because your not setting a good example flaming each other and arguing.
KROOK is right! If you don't stop arguing, you two will leave the [Hunters] forums! And Tyme, stop asking what deep sh*t is! Boragoom, if this is how your attitude is, then I think you shouldn't be in the clan! You could make the whole clan fall down because of your arguments! SO STOP!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
guys, I think you should stop posting here for a day and think before you post

Boragoom, don't answer this post!
Neither Tyme!
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
So tyme your gna quit the clan? or did you mean ur gna stop posting here?
and Wannin he said sorry so shut up
sheesh tyme your annoying... anyway yeah im gunna stop posting on here for a few days, sorry... I shouldnt have kept on answering Tyme...
Lol nah im not quiting the clan unless you want me to
and ya ill stop posting on here unless its about joining the clan
This acc is dead
Nah i dont want you to leave, that kind of decision is up to you if you were considering it. And im glad to hear that the both of you are gna stop posting here.