Sounds very similar to a game [raku] were doing called 'demon hunter'. It was good but people didn't really join in. Making a game far too complicated can be a drag to some members, which comes as a big disadvantage :v
I was playing a game yesterday with some friends on the irc, seriously next time everyone is one we're playing it together. It's so funny....

Also if you go through the the game I should be a knight ;)
Hmm, let's turn this king thing into an rpg event!

Already got some ideas, there'll be one king, 3 guards and 10 anarchist knights.
The king has 5 lives and the anarchist knights have 1 life. However there will be 3 types of guards, each with different lives and different skills.

1-Guard of health and silencing: This guard has 5 lives. Once on each two turns, he can silence a knight. That knight can't attack that turn.
2-Guard of stealth and agility: This guard has 2 lives. He can attack 2 people each turn.
I have no idea about the third guards skill, halp.

The guards, king and the knights will be revealed at the beginning of the game, however their skills won't. The skills will be revealed when the character gets attacked. Each turn, each player will choose on someone to attack. However, knights can't attack the king without killing all the guards.

I also think it would be neat if the knights had two special knights with skills.
And those would be:
1-Knight of reincarnation: Once on each two turns, this knight may revive a dead knight. Even when he's dead.
2-Knight of black magic: This knight can make a knight immune to attacks once in three turns.

If you posted your input about this, I'd be more than happy.
Originally Posted by Kingsta View Post
Sounds very similar to a game [raku] were doing called 'demon hunter'. It was good but people didn't really join in. Making a game far too complicated can be a drag to some members, which comes as a big disadvantage :v
I was playing a game yesterday with some friends on the irc, seriously next time everyone is one we're playing it together. It's so funny....

Also if you go through the the game I should be a knight ;)

Yeah, it's kinda like that but in this people don't vote, they attack. And each character has lives etc.
Plus, the attributes are less complicated.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post

Trojan Detected.
False Alarm.
Perfect_boobies_fapworthy.trojan.virus.exe sent to Chest.

seems legit
It's Fabulous
All my text is gone :c
I only spent half an hour coming up with ideas for it.

Tank you for the pointz Interwebs.
Originally Posted by Muffin View Post
Hi again, just wanted to confirm to everyone that I had sent a bunch of stuff to zeto to be used/sold for Family. Not sure when exactly he plans to do anything with it, but there it is.

I'd prefer it to be sold in the Family shops unless of course someone within family wants it. In that case, please feel free to help yourself but make sure that whatever happens to it is in some way benefiting family.

Bye again x

I'm sad everyone missed our muffin's last goodbye. How rude of you.

I'll also make a thread about the rpg thing (since nothing can be properly discussed here) when I get on my computer.