No from me. He is not great in-game and his app was not that good either.
I... I am king. King of the raccoons that is. (1handclap) "Raccoons will tip over your trash can and spread your garbage all over"
Name: Kasey
Gmt: -5:00
Ban/Frac History: Never banned, two infractions, useless post/illegal bump.
Forum/Irc Activity: On forums every day, but never see anything to talk about is why my post count is relatively low.
Past Clans: Secret[Quit because of inactivity], Sexy[Quit because of inactivity] C3[Quit because I got a better offer at the time], Knotz[Stayed in for about one day], CW[Left because of inactivity], Pigs[I was co-ldr of the clan, but then quit because the leader was being a douchebag], EPIC[Quit, because it was an all around immature 10-11 year old kid clan, I don't enjoy clans like that] Element[Quit because of the peoples time zones horribly differed from mine, so we could basically never play ingame or talk].
Best Mod: Wushu
Talents: Texturing, I'll post examples in a while.
Why do you want to join?: I want to join because I see that this is an all around good, and active clan and I've been waiting for an active clan for a while, is the main reason why I quit a bunch of clans.
Why should I let you?: Because I could be extremely active on both IRC and forums, and play ingame whenever you wish, even though I'm usually posted in ultimate wushu.
Info about yourself: My names Kasey, I'm 14 years old, I live in florida in a small town named Zuber, I'm wondering if I should put my entire life in to this, nah if you want to ask me any other questions feel very welcome, I can answer any question you would like to know.
Replays (3): Posted below

And by the way, when I say I quit the clans because of inactivity, I don't mean me, I mean the clan's activity.

And farewell, hope you enjoy my application.

EDIT:: In the replay #Sparwithblu, I'm uke, I renamed the replay because it was something ridiculous, if you want I can upload the same replay with the ridiculous name.
Attached Files
#Sparwithblu.rpl (554.0 KB, 7 views)
#Keep the legs.rpl (164.4 KB, 8 views)
#ysenyuse.rpl (94.4 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Pixel; Feb 28, 2011 at 11:09 PM.
Big genital guy hmu ladies