check my deactived /actived

Tinerr Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Tinerr; Mar 14, 2011 at 06:00 PM.
selling black belt acc PM me
ok so... here is your head aikido...

hope you like it
if you want any changes i can make them...
teague19 Moderated Message:
Make the head opposite colors of mine.
Last edited by teague19; Mar 15, 2011 at 10:00 PM.
not to pressure you guys but if anyone has spare time to make me a new head it will realy be appreciated. a head with the same style as mine and can be recolored easily when i change joint colors.

anything you want in return will be guarantied

(if this is the wrong place to post this request plz let me know)

btw great head aitor ;) but i personnaly thought that the expression of the face didn't realy get my attention. except if that's how aikido wants it...
Last edited by EJM; Mar 15, 2011 at 09:28 PM.
Originally Posted by EJM View Post
not to pressure you guys but if anyone has spare time to make me a new head it will realy be appreciated. a head with the same style as mine and can be recolored easily when i change joint colors.

anything you want in return will be guarantied

(if this is the wrong place to post this request plz let me know)

btw great head aitor ;) but i personnaly thought that the expression of the face didn't realy get my attention. except if that's how aikido wants it...

I'll make you a head if I have time, in return for some TCs. :P Not too many though because it doesn't sound like you want anything complicated. Just a split color head? what style exactly?
Originally Posted by Satsu13 View Post
Just a split color head? what style exactly?

a split color head with any style you want, what you're comfortable with. if you want to add a mouth that's ok but no hair or ears plz. you can also add a nose but i'd prefer if you dont. if you can make it frouning like mine that will be good too but that's optinal.

and teague you dont have to do it for free... i'd feel better if i gave you something in return... seriously ;)
Last edited by EJM; Mar 15, 2011 at 10:09 PM.
I like the idea apozke, but as Satsu said, it's very hard to read. I mean you don't completely see the T during the entire time. =\ sorry but once again I think it's going to be turned down.

Nice head Aitor, but yeah I'm going to have to agree with EJM and Teague. The expression didn't grab my attention and me n' Teague have opposite colors =P
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