Originally Posted by clayspade View Post

That replay was quite funny Clay.But the only problem in your replays is that you use too much hold all which ruins the flow.
whut bout mine D: i put 5 hours into it

and rob, i liked the opener and the replay, but what was wierd was the arm dm as the first dm. Its a pretty low dm and is ussualy used for booms or 2 dm kicks
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Tsuk - the same.You need to work on your flow and most of the hits were pretty ugly,but there were some nice parts too.5/10

Yet again I still tried to do a 5dm boom,but unfortunetely I could do only 4 dms god damn it.And no,it's not instagib.
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!Hipo - Objection !.rpl (90.2 KB, 6 views)
yea, but you see id say split uke then sling him back into a contract kick

also glutes are an easier area
You're also welcome to love my Replays
Nice, hipo... There's a guy who seriously is making me jealous. '-'
Was the name from the Ace Attorney series?
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.