Só três infrações? O_O

E sobre o SennaX sempre falar que já sabia de algo... acho que é pq ele fica procurando os posts anteriores, para ficar por dentro dos assuntos... eu mesmo faço isso, quando eu to a fim de entrar na conversa... xD

E to torcendo pro Brasil ganhar sabado \o/ (se torcesse para a Argentina, seria um problema)
Lol. Não tenho so 3 infrações. Eu disse que tinha 3 infrações por posts inuteis, não 3 infrações no total..
Sentiram minha falta ?
03[21:59] * sidieldani ( has joined #brasil
01[21:59] <RobertGB> oie cara que eu nunca vi :P
[21:59] <sidieldani> oi
[21:59] <sidieldani> xD
[21:59] <~afkpiu> hola. Quien es tu?
[22:00] <sidieldani> um br?
[22:00] <~afkpiu> Yo soy del Argentina
[22:00] <sidieldani> ablas ingles?
[22:00] <~afkpiu> si
[22:00] <sidieldani> portugues?
[22:01] <~afkpiu> ingles
[22:01] <sidieldani> lol better
[22:01] <~afkpiu>
[22:01] <~afkpiu> where are you from?
01[22:01] <RobertGB> wtf
[22:01] <sidieldani> brazil... we were suposed to talk portuguese here -_-
01[22:01] <RobertGB> pf
01[22:01] <RobertGB> tais zuando né? --'
[22:01] <~afkpiu> well
[22:01] <~afkpiu> killpiu let me stay in here
[22:02] <~afkpiu> well
[22:03] <~afkpiu> I'll leave the room if you want
[22:03] <sidieldani> why would I want that...
[22:03] <~afkpiu> cuz I'm not brazilian
[22:04] <~afkpiu> first time here?
[22:05] <sidieldani> yep
[22:05] <~afkpiu> Killpiu made a tutorial about irc if I don't make a mistake
[22:05] <sidieldani> yeah he did, thats how I got here xD
[22:06] <~afkpiu> what do you think about it?
[22:06] <sidieldani> meh I didn't really read it, I just saw the name of the channel
[22:06] <~afkpiu> oh
[22:07] <~afkpiu> have you spoken to killpiu recently?
[22:08] <sidieldani> I don't think I ever spoke to him xD
01[22:08] <RobertGB> like, 0.5 secs ago
01[22:08] <RobertGB> etc
01[22:08] <RobertGB>
[22:08] <~afkpiu> lol
[22:08] <sidieldani> yeah I barely know killpiu, im more of a friend with Wolf
[22:09] <~afkpiu> what do you think about the moderation of Wolf and Killpiu in the org?
01[22:09] <RobertGB> they suck
01[22:09] <RobertGB>
[22:09] <~afkpiu> Killpiu n wolf are awesome
[22:10] <sidieldani> lol yeah
[22:10] <sidieldani> hey rob where u from
01[22:10] <RobertGB> poland
[22:10] <~afkpiu> no robert is brazilian
[22:11] <sidieldani> yeah I thought that...
[22:11] <sidieldani> but where exacly?
[22:11] <~afkpiu> idk
01[22:11] <RobertGB> texas
[22:11] <sidieldani> lol
[22:11] <~afkpiu> you can speak portuguese with him
[22:11] <sidieldani> mah my portuguese suks
[22:11] <~afkpiu> btw what clan are you in?
[22:12] <sidieldani> pandora
[22:12] <sidieldani> im about to quit though
[22:12] <~afkpiu> why?
[22:12] <sidieldani> they dont let me invade other clan boards lol
02[22:13] * Pab|Afk (Pab10@39E5289C.E31E9B33.FBE0A0FA.IP) Quit (Broken pipe)
[22:13] <~afkpiu> did you invad Addicteds?
[22:13] <sidieldani> im gonna wait a month so it doesnt seem like clan hopping though
[22:13] <~afkpiu> board*
[22:13] <sidieldani> nope
[22:13] <sidieldani> essence and MFR, got firends there
[22:14] <~afkpiu> how old are you?
[22:14] <~afkpiu> also MFR sux
[22:16] <sidieldani> 16
[22:16] <sidieldani> and I know, CrazyGreek is cool though
[22:16] <~afkpiu> I'll take a shower and watch No Limite.
[22:16] <sidieldani> k cya
[22:16] <sidieldani> wait whats ur in-game name
[22:17] <~afkpiu> Peegadinha do malandro !
03[22:17] * afkpiu is now known as killpiu
[22:17] <~killpiu> ahshsauhauhaushausuahsuahsuhas
01[22:17] <RobertGB> Lol
[22:17] <~killpiu> ahsuahsuas
[22:17] <~killpiu> to rachando aqui
01[22:17] <RobertGB> owww era pra eu falar D:
[22:17] <~killpiu> ah
[22:17] <~killpiu> nao sabia
[22:17] <~killpiu> mals
01[22:17] <RobertGB> ;-;
[22:17] <~killpiu> haushaushuas
01[22:17] <RobertGB> nada n
01[22:17] <RobertGB> lol
[22:17] <~killpiu> Sid: Vc nao desconfiou nenhuma vez?
01[22:18] <RobertGB> o cara flw no limite :3
03[22:18] * Retrieving #brasil modes...
[22:18] <~killpiu> porra
[22:18] <~killpiu> ele ta dormindo
[22:19] <sidieldani> nao ;-;
[22:19] <~killpiu> nossa
[22:19] <~killpiu> acho que vou ser ator
[22:20] <sidieldani> xD

Olha agora por query

[22:09:50] <RobertGB> jk
[22:09:53] <afkpiu> vamos ver se ele vai sacar
[22:09:54] <RobertGB> :<
[22:15:01] <afkpiu> eu acho que ele ta cansado de tanta pergunta
[22:15:11] <RobertGB> sim
[22:15:16] <afkpiu> haushuahs
[22:15:17] <afkpiu> muito foda
[22:15:22] <RobertGB> posso falar? :'D
[22:15:26] <afkpiu> oq?
[22:15:32] <RobertGB> que tu eh br
[22:15:36] <afkpiu> espera mais um pouco
[22:15:43] <afkpiu> ai eu vo fala asism
[22:15:45] <afkpiu> assim
[22:15:51] <afkpiu> eu vo toma banho e assisti no limite
[22:15:55] <afkpiu> ai ele vai sacar eu achol
[22:15:56] <RobertGB> ashsauhasuhuhas
[22:16:01] <RobertGB> n tá ca porra
[22:16:02] <RobertGB> ¬¬
[22:16:09] <afkpiu> ?
[22:16:17] <RobertGB> nada n lol
[22:16:17] <RobertGB> fala
[22:16:52] <RobertGB> >_>
[22:16:53] <RobertGB> <_<
[22:16:55] <afkpiu> que sucker
[22:17:04] <RobertGB> asahsuas
[22:17:07] <RobertGB> inventa um nome
[22:17:12] <RobertGB> diz que tá usando o id do killpiu
[22:17:12] <RobertGB>
[22:17:25] <killpiu> ja falei
[22:18:05] <killpiu> em
[22:18:07] <killpiu> copia e cola
[22:18:11] <killpiu> desde quando ele entrou
[22:18:13] <killpiu> e posta la
[22:18:20] <killpiu> no topico Vamos converssar aqui
[22:18:43] <RobertGB> blz
[22:18:44] <RobertGB> :'D


Robert toca ai o/