Changed it a bit...
Added more space, applied effects to the thingys and added a transparent Atlantic in space
Tell me which one you like more please.

*EDIT*Upated with Final version ;P
Last edited by Ostakex; Jul 15, 2010 at 07:50 PM.
nice work, never used photoshop myself so i dont know how much work has gone into making that, but still, nice.

@ostakex yes 2nd one looks good to me. gj.
@diveX, well, i have some experience after using photoshop cs3 a while ago.
Now that Ostakex made me interested in the new photoshop cs5, I though I'll give it a try and i had a lot of fun
If you want to know I used the following:
Liquefy Effect
Blur Effect
I don't know how it's called but the glass blur effect.
x2 Difference clouds
Sharpen Edges
Luminosity settings
Hue/Saturation Mods

Look at this. I messed up with around everything.

I called this:
Power to the wave!
Last edited by TheDog96; Jul 17, 2010 at 12:55 PM.
> Piratez
So is photoshop worth getting and really easier to use and texture with than gimp?
Cause I already played with the thought of buying it

What's the newest Version?
EPIC Flame particle texturing SHOP
kinda inactive though