If you don't like this one you have no ... no...
taste in music whatsoever.

"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert


Originally Posted by JellyNinja View Post
If you don't like this one you have no ... no...
taste in music whatsoever.

Not bad,I think you've linked it before,whose singing? ;p

Also,Benga awesomness,diary of an afro warrior!that beat is so addicting

Last edited by William; Feb 22, 2012 at 07:40 PM.
Originally Posted by William View Post
I want some of brucia's shit,tekno,hardcore stuff.Also,I like this,I need moar!

I can show you this:

I'm in love with the world through the eyes of a girl...

Elliot smith is really good,his sound is just have to listen to it.Good when you wanna get drunk ;)

Anyway,any ideas for a decent music thread,not the usual post nice music stuff?
This pot nowdays have so much shit inside that can even jump of pockets. LoL I love the part "I'm not mad with you" even the officer had hard time to hold the lol.