Captain's Tent

"Test? Ah, yes. You came at an opportune time. You seem fairly strong. I'm curious as to how well you handle a blade. In any case, you'll have to impress us before you can begin the trials. Come; you can try your hand in the sparring circle after Cadar and Caien."

He returns to the circle perimeter.
Captain's Tent

Shrugging off his bag Raethan walks over to the circle and stands next to the captain to observe the battle. Mostly because he doesn't want to get hit with the wood the two man seem to be packing.
Last edited by floop78; Jun 22, 2012 at 12:03 PM.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Captains Tent


The two young men go at it again. The scarred fellow slashes at the other man's feet, but feints as his opponent goes to block, bringing the practice sword up straight into the jaw of the other duelist. The unscarred fighter stumbles out of the ring, tripping on carpet ringing the perimeter and falling onto his back with a grunt. He's helped up by some of the spectators in shirtsleeves as the winner drops his sword and returns to the crowd, panting. A few of the spectators offer cheers.

The captain moves to center of the sparring field.

"We've just gained a new applicant. He doesn't look like much, but that's alright. Half of our jobs is sending young fools back to the rabble they belong in eh? Someone fetch the new one a practice blade. Saren, in."

He steps from the field as one of the young men hands Raethan the practice sword used by the loser of the last match. This close, stained blood is clearly visible on the wood. Saren removes his shirt to enter the sparring circle and claims the other practice sword. He's fairly average, or as average as soldiers here are. His short brown hair stops clear of his thick eyebrows and small eyes, with a face lined with a hint of stubble. One oddity, though, is a perpetual scowl. He assumes stance opposite of Raethan.
Raethan crouches low and holds his sword out in the ready position.

"Ready when you are" he says to the soldier with confidence.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Captain's Tent

The young man jabs at Raethan's feet, and the shot is quickly deflected. More jabs and swift strikes come and are deflected, and neither party gains the upper hand. Raethan ducks a swipe, falling to his knees and swinging at Saren's feet. The opening seemed obvious, but Saren deftly hops over the practice sword, bringing his own down on Raethan's head in an obviously winning blow.

To the surprised gasp of the audience, Raethan drops his sword, coming out of his kneel into a tackle to Saren's middle, going right past the overhead. Wrapping his arms around Saren's waist, he twists to the side while pulling up, slamming Saren back first into the ground and leaving him in a mounted position. He raises his fist...

"I concede! I concede," gasps Saren.

Smiling proudly, Raethan stands up and look expectantly at the captain.

"Pretty bad. But we'll fix you up. Aeces, show him to his new home."


Time passes in Fracterrum, the hours drag by as the bell tolls midnight.
Last edited by Thorn; Jul 4, 2012 at 07:20 AM.
Daven's Quarry
Lacking cape, coat, and equipment, Bryce walks out of his inn into the darkness. He thought that a less formal attire would help with a less formal conversation.

Thorn and Olive he recalls.

After some walking, he spots a building that had to be an inn.

Bryce enters and approaches the innkeeper.

"An important looking man with a rather large scar is staying here. Which room is his?"
He asks straight-faced.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Thorn and Olive

"Oh, my lord, he's not here. Left to take care of something or some such. Odd time to be out, don't you think?"
He blinks, realizing something.
"Actually, what could you want with him at this hour? My lord."
Thorn and Olive
Bryce flashes a quizzical expression and blinks in quick succession.

"I, uhm"

His eyes glaze to the stairs.

"I was going to talk to him about going-ons I might have missed. Not that much news gets to this town, as you might know."

Focusing back on the innkeeper.

"Did he take his men with him?"
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
Thorn and Olive

Bryce squints and the corner of his mouth curls.

He spreads his arms.

"I'm not carrying a weapon. And I don't think I look like the kind of person that can strangle a man of his stature."

He leans against the counter.

"It looks like I have some time to waste then. So do you have any news from the big cities?"
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.