so like why did half got banned for a month and the other half got banned for 3 months ? D:

arent yall banned for the same reason ?
I guess that the amount of participation with the incident matters on the case.

As a future reference which I will come back to when we all' have a skype conference this holiday (more info very soon in our private board) I would like to enforce a few restrictions on what members of fl0w are allowed to do under this umbrella tag. (No matter how you see it, we all a'r gonna face the bad reputation ya' put us in.) I would also like to add that I myself do NOT support this thread, and I'm very close to closing it down right now and have been thinking of doing so ever since it started... So please, either stop participation in this BS or keep it elsewhere?
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
shadup smog seriously. this thread is 200% legal and probably the only interesting thread left on our board XD

but on serious note, stuff that hurt clan rep is: spam, ragequiting and insulting, but we solve most of this stuff due joining standarts or cleanups later.
anything other then that is just fine. we do quite alot more of less serious stuff including managing tw & hosting events, so goofing off is more then allowed, except may be we should read out tb rules a bit more carefull, so we can draw a line where it's on edge and where it's banable, because it's quite unpleasant to be inable to moderate these boards for like 3 month.

other then that - nothing to worry about.
Last edited by snob; Dec 12, 2012 at 11:11 PM.
yo, this is cough. we were all banned bcs of the private board, not this one, this one is all good
on a side not, fml haha