Ah well. It was close, you'll get it next time guys ^.^

On the other hand, we have some awesome new artwork on our clan page.

The background for the banner doesn't fit in with the rest of the page. I personally preffeer the old one but this is nice.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
Just bought Jim the Tuna and Yin the Orca.. Very nice items
Some pm's from the very beginning.. :o
Originally Posted by BBKing
Originally Posted by B4CKST4B
Well, sure! I'd love to help

Here's the text.. I'd like to have it more poetic..

The monastery

It was a simple warrior at a time in which all allies. He considered this activity a long time and even tried to join a clan. But it was impossible for him to really contribute. Nothing met his expectations. And no one really wanted him.

So he went into the woods and meditated under an old oak tree. He stayed a long time. Without food and with little water. He held converse with the animals and slowly but clearly emerged an idea in his mind.

A monastery to be built.

A monastery where everyone is welcome looking for tranquility . No house of big words and meaningless fights. No! A home for seekers.

So he began to build . Alone in the forest. Only the animals helped him . But little by little the people were attentive. They came to look and asked questions. Some understood him, some are not. And those who Got it.. they helped him. And so his dream came true. The monastery so beautiful and pure. The old oak tree under which he had the vision, this now stood in the middle of the cloister.


Originally Posted by BBKing
Originally Posted by B4CKST4B
No prob.

If you want, you can join my clan.. Brand new.. just a few minutes

Originally Posted by BBKing
Originally Posted by BBKing5
Hello sid

I registered a new clan today.. It calls The Monastery [Monk]

But now I deleted myself! I know, it sounds stupid.. but what can I do now?

I tried to creat the same clan a second time.. It's not listed anymore.. but I cant register it twice cause it seems, that the clan still exist..

Really need your help


I'm sitting on pins and needles .. Of course, such an error is unforgivable. However, I was full of confidence to create a clan that is worthy of the community.
And now .. a wrong click and after a few minutes all my visions are far far away.
I could not even invite someone.
Please Help me, even if you think I'm an idiot. :3
I want to prove that I can lead a clan.

Originally Posted by BBKing
Originally Posted by sid
Originally Posted by BBKing5
Originally Posted by sid
Oh don't worry, I'll fix the problem. I just can't do it from my phone. You could either wait a few hours for me to get home or talk to another clan mod, up to you

ay.. thats great. I can wait.
Happy to know that you can fix that.

all done

thank you so much
all the best

Originally Posted by BBKing
Originally Posted by B4CKST4B
Add me in. Its the least i can do for you

yeah was waiting for your pm
your invited ;)

Last edited by BBKing; Jan 5, 2016 at 09:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Just bought Jim the Tuna and Yin the Orca.. Very nice items

Damn! I wanted the Orca!

Can't really do much with 10k, anywho

~Stonemonk has Sent 2016 TC to BBKing~

Happy New year!
Lenshu Master/Buddhist
Originally Posted by BBKing View Post
Some pm's from the very beginning.. :o

Aka: Recordings of the biggest fuckup one can do as a brand new clan leader.
Gg BB, gg.
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen