View Poll Results: What should be done to #nitro ?
Drop it.
5 Votes / 55.56%
Let it be.
3 Votes / 33.33%
What is IRC ?
1 Votes / 11.11%
Voters: 9. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Luke8585 View Post
Hah messed up on my last application so I had to delete it but here's my finished app hope you enjoy.
Hello my names Skyler, or must people call me Luke. I have come here to join the great Nitro. Literally just turned 15 2 days ago, nothing special though. I live in Ohio and I was born just a little south in Kentucky, haven't really moved at all my whole life.

I have clocked in 400 hours of toribash in, so I have become pretty skilled. I also have an xbox 360/ 0ne, so if you ever want to play with me on that console just send a friend request, kingdomkong 996 . My skype is luke85852, I play toribash nearly every day, at least 2 hours nearly every day.

The days I'm inactive is the days I am mainly focused on my girlfriend. And even on those days I could get a quick game in. As for the forums, I will post at least 1-2 every 2-3 days, I read whats happening all the time tho. One thing about me is I am quite tall, a lot of people like to comment how I'm a 6'4" 15 year old. I am use steam so if you want to throw a friend request that way my username is luke85852 and my email is I am pretty sure steam has made my email my username so that's why I also put my email.

I am going into freshman year of high school, should be in sophomore year but I started school late as a child, I am also smart enough to be going into junior year. I am the hugest, hugest, science geek you will find cx. I love science with a passion. I also love anime with a passion, I have a crunchy roll account cx.

I love tea and pizza, that is actual what I eat/drink nearly 24/7 cx. Doritos is also the and mountain dew. For my diet and the kind of geek I am it's surprising that I'm athletic but... I am. I love cross country and soccer, I am currently on the cross country team of Anderson high school, I will soon be on the varsity team once school starts up. If you want to know more about me just talk to me on skype.

Alright now that you know me well enough lets talk business. I am a second dan and my QI is around 2,100. My rank is around 1,500. I can kick your butt so watch out. I would help the clan out in any way, as in help recruit, kick ass in wars, and just generally assist the clan out in any way. What I like to do with the TC I earn every week is donate it to the clan bank, so if you invite me to Nitro, expect a weekly income of at least 5,000.

I am also a very, very loyal clan member. I have been a part of the clan bomb since I really started playing toribash. The reason I got kicked was because I was away on vacation part of this summer and forgot to tell them so they kicked me. Bomb isn't what it used to be, It used to have the most amazing guys ever, I had so much fun. But then everyone just kinda left, and now the new guys have kinda made bomb not as enjoyable as it was before. They really aren't bad people just not the original bomb members. I just figured it's time to move on to a new clan, you know. Get some fresh air with some new awesome guys. I want to have my fresh start with you guys, you seem like a fun clan. I hope you guys accept my application because I am pumped to help nitro out in any way I can.

The mods I will play and will completely destroy in are... abd. akido, erth tk, rk-mma, and grey kido. I am kinda a natural so I get used to mods quickly so these aren't just mods I would be good at.

Here are all my places to talk/play with me:

skype: luke85852
Xbox: kingdomkong 996
steam: luke85852

Thank you very much to all that give my app so time and actually read it and think about accepting me.

I would post some sick replays I have made over the years, but my computer is retarded and won't allow me to post replays... so sad.... so sad.

Also here's that photo link I'm supposed to post.
Wait is the way I posted the logo wrong, I can do it the other way if it's a problem.

Huge wall of text. Day, add this to the application hall of fame.yes from me.
Originally Posted by Frost View Post
Huge wall of text. Day, add this to the application hall of fame.yes from me.

But it's not even that good of an application. It's poorly formatted and poorly written. Sometimes more isn't better.
I don't think we're reading the same application here. Obviously more isn't better, but this is well written, and it is well formatted. Everyone has an opinion I guess, but it's still better than tart turtles.
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
Originally Posted by SkyWhale View Post
I don't think we're reading the same application here. Obviously more isn't better, but this is well written, and it is well formatted. Everyone has an opinion I guess, but it's still better than tart turtles.

His application is littered with the one thing that bothers me the most. He can not transition well into other sentences/paragraphs.
Hello the names Skyler, or more commonly known as Luke. Now that you know my name it's time to state why I'm here, and that is obviously to join the great Nitro.

Well I am a 15 year old male, actually just turned 15. Nothing special though, I never do anything for my birthday. That's ok though, I am happy the way I live. In my simple little house in Ohio on my simple little computer. I live in Ohio but I wasn't born here, I was actually born just across the border in Kentucky.

I just finished middle school, I'm pretty excited to go to high school. Freshman year is going to be a blast. Which kinda sounds strange, considering I have one friend and high school is intimidating. The thing is I am not scared high school is going to be a breeze. One funny thing is that I actually should be going into sophomore year but I started school late as a child. The main reason I believe high school is going to be easy is that I am actually smart enough to go into junior year. I am the hugest, hugest, science geek you will ever find cx. I love science with a passion. I am also a total math geek, science and math are obviously my strong points in school so those classes are going to be fun. Its not that language arts and history is hard for me its just that I hate them, I already know enough in those fields and frankly I don't care about them.

A couple things I really love other than math and science... Well obviously food is one thing I love. I mean how can you not just love food. Pizza is basically what I eat all the time. Either actual pizza or something like pizza rolls. I love chips, just munching on some Lays or Doritos while I game is the bomb. With all that food you have to have some nice refreshing drinks, the kind of drinks I get all the time are either teas or coke and mountain dew. I also have an Xbox 360 and Xbox One, I am constantly playing black ops 2, and I am so pumped for black ops 3. For my diet and the kind of gamer I am it's surprising that I'm athletic but... I am. I love cross country and soccer, I am currently on the cross country team for Anderson high school, I will soon be on the varsity team once school starts up.

I spend around an hour to two hours on toribash nearly every day. As for the forums, I will post at least once to twice every 2-3 days, I'll read whats happening in the forums every day though. Some things I do other than play toribash is watch anime... like all the time. When I am not just wasting my life on a computer I am mostly spending time with my girlfriend. We are rarely apart, she is legitly asleep behind me in my bed right now. An interesting trait about me is that I am very tall, 6'4" to be exact. And if you want to know more about me just talk to me on skype.

Alright now that you know me well enough lets talk business. I am a second dan and my QI is around 2,100. My rank is around 1,500. I can kick your butt so watch out. I have also racked in 400 hours of toribash so I am quite experienced. I can run pretty, and spar pretty well. I'd love to have some help tho. My goal is to become the best member of Nitro. I will train my ass off too.

I am going to help the clan out in any way I can. I will do whatever is needed to better the clan, as in help recruit, kick ass in wars, and just generally assist the clan out in any way. What I like to do with the TC I earn every week is donate it to the clan bank, so if you invite me to Nitro, expect a weekly income of at least 5,000.

I am also a very, very loyal clan member. So expect to have me around in the clan for a long time. I have been in only one other clan, bomb. I have been a part of the clan bomb since I really started playing toribash. And now that I am not part of bomb anymore I have figured it's time to move on. Especially since bomb isn't the way it was when I first joined. I miss the old members of bomb, but oh well I am ready to love you guys like I loved the old bomb. The reason I got kicked was because I was away on vacation part of this summer and forgot to tell them so they kicked me. I just think its time ti get some fresh air with some new awesome guys. I want to have my fresh start with you guys, you seem like a fun clan. I hope you guys accept my application because I am pumped to help nitro out in any way I can.

The mods I will play and will completely destroy in are... abd. akido, erth tk, rk-mma, and grey kido. I am kinda a natural so I get used to mods quickly so these aren't just mods I would be good at.

Here are all my places to talk/play with me:

skype: luke85852
Xbox: kingdomkong 996
steam: luke85852

Thank you very much to all that give my app so time and actually read it and think about accepting me.

I would post some sick replays I have made over the years, but my computer is retarded and won't allow me to post replays... so sad.... so sad.

Also here's that photo link I'm supposed to post.
Is that better kamocai, I knew it was sloppy. Thank you for giving me the motivation to fix it up
Last edited by Luke8585; Aug 9, 2015 at 01:32 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Luke8585 View Post
Is that better kamocai, I knew it was sloppy. Thank you for giving me the motivation to fix it up

Put this fucker in the hall of fame.
About Myself: So, to start all this off my name is Michael. I live in the united states and I have lived here all my life. When I am not playing Toribash I am usually watching something sports related. My favorite sports are Basketball and Football. Clippers being my favorite Basketball team and the Detroit Lions being my favorite Football team. I'd like to assume that I am a very personable person. I am easy to get a long with but also difficult at the same time. Some parts of me are difficult to deal with and others are easy. For example, I love debating when an argument prevents its self to me I will usually find ways to try and win that argument. Even if the argument is impossible for me to win I will keep trying till I get tired of it. On the other hand, I will always forgive someone over time. I never ever hold grudges, or use someones past against them. This happens to me all the time and if I can prevent it from happening to someone else I will. I am also really competitive when it comes to this game. I really do not like losing so at times I may go off or get mad but when ever that happens I make it a point to come out and apologize cause sometimes my actions are a bit over reacting towards the situation and thus causing a real big problem.

Toribash History: ow, I started to play Toribash back in 2009. My friend showed me the game and as his interest for it faded mine only grew larger. I am a competitive Toribash player. Though I am not great I feel my skill is fairly decent. The mods I am best at are mainly striking mods. I like Lenshu3ng, Wushu3, and Rk_mma a lot. I practice these three mods everyday if I can. Another mod I play a lot is ABD. I play this mod a lot because it's said to be the most competitive. Though I don't agree all duels are in this mod and a lot of the betting servers are in this mod and if I have any hope of making any tc I depend on dueling and betting cause I can't market at all.

Reason for joining: I am looking for an active and fun clan to be in. I want to make friends and really grow with some people. The past clans I have applied for beisdes Parrot were all attempts to become more known. Right now I want to be apart of something make really good friends and keep them for a long time and I see your clan to be that place. I think you all look really cool to hang around with and though I haven't talked to any of you I still feel that I would fit in well here.

And It's not formatted, I just titled my paragraphs so it is a bit more understandable instead of just jumping topics
Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I live in the united states and I have lived here all my life. When I am not playing Toribash I am usually watching something sports related. My favorite sports are Basketball and Football. I'd like to assume that I am a very personable person. I am easy to get a long with but also difficult at the same time. Some parts of me are difficult to deal with and others are easy. On the other hand, I will always forgive someone over time. I never ever hold grudges, or use someones past against them. This happens to me all the time and if I can prevent it from happening to someone else I will. I am also really competitive when it comes to this game. I really do not like losing so at times I may go off or get mad but when ever that happens I make it a point to come out and apologize cause sometimes my actions are a bit over reacting towards the situation and thus causing a real big problem.

Toribash History: ow, I started to play Toribash back in 2009. I am a competitive Toribash player. Though I am not great I feel my skill is fairly decent. Another mod I play a lot is ABD. I play this mod a lot because it's said to be the most competitive. Though I don't agree all duels are in this mod and a lot of the betting servers are in this mod and if I have any hope of making any tc I depend on dueling and betting cause I can't market at all.

Reason for joining: I am looking for an active and fun clan to be in. I want to make friends and really grow with some people. The past clans I have applied for beisdes Parrot were all attempts to Become Known.. Right now I want to be apart of something make really good friends and keep them for a long time and I see your clan to be that place. I think you all look really cool to hang around with and though I haven't talked to any of you I still feel that I would fit in well here.

And It's not formatted, I just titled my paragraphs so it is a bit more understandable instead of just jumping topics

NOW THIS IS GRADE A 100% ME! i want another me yes
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719