View Poll Results: What type of art do you prefer?
Simple and Cartoony
1 Votes / 12.50%
Detailed and Complex
3 Votes / 37.50%
I like them both
4 Votes / 50.00%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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I play sports other than basketball, i play pinpong. I started it then I started school this year and now I know how to do effects and i am one of the best players in my school. I will participate this year on pinpong competion (if they orginise one in school)
PS: i just have 12 years and 13 very soon. After one week

If I was able to have one wish, it would be to live closer to my one true love Fred, his beard tastes so nice.
He is also a far superior tk player.
The water bottle of a glowing
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
The water bottle of a glowing are jews like The jew nito
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
The water bottle of a glowing musshroom in the top of the
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
I play soccer as said in the US my feet always get stepped on by fat people.
Last edited by Toad311; May 17, 2014 at 12:00 AM.