Hatt, invading to let you know Gzu was applying for other Clans the same time as Obey. Looking out for a bruh <3

Much Love
Attention All Obey

I am Universe or as you may previously known me as, Deluxed. I want to join obey because obey isnt a clan, isnt a team, isnt a group, but in reality is a family of friends. That is why i understand you guys are so strict with recruitment, because you dont want some lazy, or boring, person in the clan. You want someone you can enjoy talking to, enjoy hanging around. Which is completely understandable in every way. So i understand completely why you deny so many people; Also 2WC is the whore of the clan. We all know this right? haha. I want to add myself into obey, but with that comes my art skills, my personality, my help, well, who i am in general. I want to help you guys out, make some art for you guys, hang out, talk, maybe help host events, and chill. That is why i want to be in your clan, that is why i want to join; Because you guys are who you are. And who you are, is the most amazing thing in the world, because im serious when i say this, no one else is like you. You are who you are; So onto my personal life.

I'm 16, i have social anxiety and depression, but i try to be as happy as i can. It can be hard sometimes but, when im happy im alright, alot of peopel dont understand depression and anxiety, so let me explain it to you in a sense that should be understandable. Anxiety is like your locked in a mental cage, in a sense where, being around people in real life can have bad effects on you, no its not being shy, its not being nervous. Its like, you lock up inside, and you just cant do anything around others. And its hard. but i try to get over it, but it really is hard to get over it and im not even kidding; Depression is like, well its like hell on earth. Your alot more Sad than just sad, your like sad to the point you dont want to live your sad to the point where its unbareable and sometimes you just cant take it if you know what i mean. However i have someone to help, i have my beloved girlfriend, we've been together for 4 years now, and she's always been there for me through thick and thin man, im sure you guys in obey with girlfriends know what im talking about, they always make ya smile even in the darkest time man. What im saying is in all this mumbo jumbo is, like your recruitment page says "a black belt is just a white belt that never gave up" which is completely true; I wont give up, i will stay alive, i will fight through depression, i will do what ever it takes, no matter the cost to keep me, my girl, my family, and friends happy. That is pretty much it about me, other than that i got a art shop open: and i got my own official website:, also i know how to make graphics, program C++, C#, Javascript, and HTML. Abit off topic here, no i dont have kids, like i said im 16 but maybe in the future; Afew little extra things about me, my favorite food is pastasalad, favorite band is Metallica, or Nirvana. I was originally born in sweden, but my family moved into the united states. So thats why im here now, in the united states.that's pretty much it about me; NEXT SECTION.

So i started playing toribash in the year 2011 witht the account Purex. which eventually died, and i quit for afew years then came back, and i thought to myself "you know what i dont want to use that account, i want to start new" which i ended up asking if i could transfer my QI from purex to Universe/Deluxed for 200k tc and the admin's said yes. So yay! to that. From there on out alot of hate started happening because people kept thinking i bought the qi, saying things "you bought the qi faggot", "your a liar", "your such an idiot man". Adding abit onto my personal life.. this is where it gets abit, sad.. afew days after the hate, on june 20th 2014, my dad, was in the hospital from cancer, and he died, holding my hand, with his last words to me were "don't fail me, follow your dreams". from that i quit tb and gaming in general until i was happier again so i came back, got on and met my friend Draku/Brendon on a aikido server. which he helped me through alot. and then thats when i first discovered your clan, obey. So i was afraid to apply at the time because i heard from some people that you guys are strict on recruitment like i said before. which is true and i completely understand. So i waited, and waited, and waited, and waited until i had the guts, and of corse, i was rejected twice. but, i havent gave up, i wont give up on joining obey, and never will, why? because i want to join you guys in your journey, i want to help, i want to be in the best fucking toribash family that has ever lived. I've been in afew clans including, king, xero, i am, vibe, wapow, crooks, and electric. Also my favorite mods are Aikido, RB_Greykido, Boxshu, mushu, rk-mma, and erthtk. But none of them even come close to what your guys family is. and that, was my application, i worked hard on this, and poured my blood sweat and tears in it. i hope you guys enjoy reading this. and i hope to see you guys soon in game, and on the forums.
Attached Files
universe - destroi.rpl (19.2 KB, 3 views)
Universe - Nukata.rpl (22.0 KB, 3 views)
Universe - skateshiz.rpl (95.2 KB, 3 views)
universe - trickin'.rpl (35.9 KB, 3 views)
universe - unreversible.rpl (52.1 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by hanna; Apr 19, 2016 at 04:42 AM.
Weren't you just rejected like three days ago? And didn't you just leave (Im) like less than 24 hours ago? I mean, sure, I'm a fucking hypocrite, but clan hopping is bad, m'kay?
i apologize. i just have wanted to join. and i didnt feel like i belonged in im, they were disrespecting me, and i understood the things i needed to fix in my previous app. it was 5 days ago i was rejected, basically a week. Therefor i gave it another shot. if i get denied again. i accept it. i understand.
Im sorry if it seems like im clan hopping..
added 2 random competitive replays i had laying around, one in lenshu, and one in greykido.
Last edited by hanna; Apr 19, 2016 at 04:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by xaron88 View Post
Hatt, invading to let you know Gzu was applying for other Clans the same time as Obey. Looking out for a bruh <3

Much Love

Thanks man o/ Much appreciated
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
denied, and hi y'all

Good job as always, iTemp
PM me with any and all questions
Hi my name is Jordie I am 17 I love to play toribash and to talk in skype calls. my time zone is (aest) Australian easten time. I am in year 10 I love to play ABD mods and boxshou mods. I like to which youtube and anine. I am a 10 dan black belt I have been playing for about 2 years I have been in nitro for about a year and a half nitro has been the only clan I have been in I left nitro because nitro is dieing. I like to eat a little bit more then I should I love to play football and tenis I like a little bit of xbox 360 and ps4 I love to ride I have a 955cc triumph I love school I have a girlfriend her name is Shandell she is 15 and loves to play games. I don't need tc so I love to give it away the toribash cummumity see me as a respectful and kind loverbull player I have never been baned or been talking to by a gm because I am nice to everyone in game if I see some one in game not being nice I like to say no need for that or that's not nice to say. I am a good rollmoder for people of or ages I love to help people out in game and in my every day life at school and at home I listen to rules pretty well. I also have a disability called dislexia
Attached Files
BlackDragan vs Tjex.rpl (693.3 KB, 5 views)
BlackDragon VS GoldenDragon.rpl (585.5 KB, 4 views)
Split.rpl (52.0 KB, 4 views)
SpinKick.rpl (49.7 KB, 4 views)
The save.rpl (76.8 KB, 3 views)