Is the division any good?Does it live up to all the hype it's been getting I was thinking about picking it up but I didn't know if it was actually good or just over hyped.
i really like it
its a very loot based game and reminded me of diablo a lot
so if you like that kind of game you should hit it (not on pc to many hackers)
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Originally Posted by Oidan View Post
Anyone thinking of buying that new game Quantum Break?

Since it requires win10, I don't think I'm gonna be playing it any time soon.

Trailer looked kinda ok though.
[AEON] - Never stop fear us!
might get quantum break when it comes out on pc
for those that dont know what it is (without spoiling or saying too much), essentially a guy does an experiment, it goes wrong, the other guy can control time in small controlled areas either around him or in an area of his choosing, he can do this because time is breaking down, and then some other shit happens. I got an early copy for xbox so I've played nearly everything I am available to :^), which is why I cant really say much about it.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
yeah I am

looks awesome and is kinda a new type of game for ps4 and xbox (not rly that new for pc)
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Originally Posted by TheAnimal View Post
yeah I am

looks awesome and is kinda a new type of game for ps4 and xbox (not rly that new for pc)

You my friend have a good taste in games....I wonder if you have good taste in liquor and women as well, nothing goes better with some gaming than liquor and women. Especially if the women like games!
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